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JNAH게시판 목록 : 번호, , Title , Volume , Date , Hit , File 정보 제공
No 题目 Volume 日期 Hit File
83 Culture, Courtiers and Competition: The Ming Court (1368-1644) JNAH, vol 9-2 Winter 2012 2013.02.01 232
82 The Ahn Changho Controversy: Rescuing a Patriot from Colonial and Postcolonial Myths JNAH, vol 9-2 Winter 2012 2013.02.01 235
81 Conceptions of Modernity in the Middle School World History Curriculum in the Republic of Korea: Adopting Theories of European Inherited Modernity and Modernization JNAH, vol 9-2 Winter 2012 2013.02.01 245
80 The Place of Hwarang Among the Special Military Corps of Antiquity JNAH, vol 9-2 Winter 2012 2013.02.01 231
79 South Korea’s Engagement in Central Asia from the End of the Cold War to the “New Asia Initiative” JNAH, vol 9-2 Winter 2012 2013.02.01 253
78 In the Name of the Father, Son, and Grandson: Succession Patterns and the Kim Dynasty JNAH, vol 9-2 Winter 2012 2013.02.01 247
77 Confucianism and Coalition Politics: Is Political Behavior in South Korea Irrational? JNAH, vol 9-2 Winter 2012 2013.02.01 235
76 A History of Korea JNAH, vol 9-1 Summer 2012 2013.02.01 236
75 Monuments, Memory, and Identity: Constructing the Colonial Past in South Korea JNAH, vol 9-1 Summer 2012 2013.02.01 233
74 The Institutional Basis of Civil Governance in the Chosŏn Dynasty JNAH, vol 9-1 Summer 2012 2013.02.01 236
73 The Popularization of National History in South Korea in the Post-Liberation Period JNAH, vol 9-1 Summer 2012 2013.02.01 237
72 Ethnicity, Identity, and Attitude to Religions of the Central Asian Koreans: Some Results of a Pilot Survey among Korean Minority Students JNAH, vol 9-1 Summer 2012 2013.02.01 238 jn_015_0030.pdf