The Consolidation of the Euro-regional Territory and Its Consequences: The Case of the Galicia-North of Portugal Euro-region / Enrique J. Varela and Celso Cancela and Constantino Cordal
· Europe and Its Borders: Who We are, Where We Come from and Where We Are Going
The management of borders in Europe: From the states to the citizens
· Euro-regions: Between Outcomes and Impacts in the Galicia-North of Portugal Euro-region
The Galicia-North of Portugal Euro-region: A Case, Various Experiences in Cross-border Cooperation
The Cross-border Mobility as a Euro-regional “Policy Problem”
· Epilogue: CBC, a “Perfect Storm,” or Simply New Approaches to the Management and Government of Borders?
The Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies vol 2-1 (Winter / Spring 2015)