Essay Contest On Dokdo
  • 日期 2011.04.21
  • Hit 2239

The Korea Times and the Northeast Asian History Foundation invite foreigners as well as Koreans to participate in an English-language essay contest on the territorial sovereignty over the Dokdo islets.

The essay contest is aimed at exploring Korea’s and Japan’s claims, and the root cause of the territorial dispute over the rocky islets sitting halfway between the two neighboring countries. 

Applicants are required to submit an essay of about 800 words on the theme “Was Japan’s incorporation of Dokdo to Shimane Prefecture in 1905 legitimate or an act of aggression?” 

The deadline for submissions is June 5 and will be accepted online through email to Entrants must also submit a passport-size color photo in jpg format and a 50 word self-introduction. Inquiries will be answered through the above email.

A total of 12 winners will be selected. The Gold Prize winner will receive 1.5 million won; two Silver Prize winners will each receive 500,000 won; and three Bronze Prize winners will each receive 300,000 won. There will also be 6 notable mentions with a prize of 50,000-won culture goods coupons for each.

The winners will be announced on June 20 and will be individually informed of the schedule for the award ceremony.

The winning essays will be published in The Korea Times and in a booklet.


Theme: “Was Japan’s incorporation of Dokdo to Shimane Prefecture in 1905 legitimate or an act of aggression?”
Deadline: June 5
Announcement of successful entries: June 20


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