Dongbuga Yeoksa Nonchong (Journal of Northeast Asian History Foundation)
B5 | 411pages | Published on June 30, 2011
Not For Sale ⓒ 2011, Northeast Asian History Foundation
ISSN 1975-7840
Special Issue East Asian Regional Order in the Transition Period to Modern Era -
Focusing on the 1870s
Li, Xizhu | Li Hongzhang’s Understanding of Japan and His Foreign Strategy– Centering
on the Period of 1870s
Okamoto Takashi | Japan’s Annexation of Ryûyû(Liu-ch’iu) and the Transformation of the
East Asian Order, with Special Reference to the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Amity
Koo, Sunhee | King Kojong’s Changing Perception of the Foreign World in the 1870s
Obinata Sumio | The Structure of the Continental Policy of Modern Japan – Discussion
on the Troops Dispatch to Taiwan
Park, Samhun | How the Japanese “People” Perceived East Asia during the Transition
Period to Modern Era – Focusing on the Petitions Submitted in the 1870s
Ko, Minjung | Gangmokdoldaemun Pottery Culture of the Early Bronze Age in the Nam
River Basin
Kim, Jaeyoun | The Study of the Bronze Era of Eastern North Korea based on the
Archaeological Data of Primorsky and Yanbian
Yi, Sanghun | Circumstances and Silla’s Role that Led to the Conclusion of the
Silla-Tang War
Kim, Taewoo | Military Backgrounds and Progresses of Bombing of Dokdo Island by the
USAF, 1948