Altai Sketch 2 -The Gorno Altai
  • Date2016.01.15
  • Hit237

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Title: Altai Sketch 2 -The Gorno Altai


ISBN 978-89-6187-356-7 94910




This book provides a chronological look into the prehistoric and ancient cultures that came and went in the Gorno Altai (Mountainous Altai) region of Russia. From this book, the reader will learn about when human beings first appeared in the Gorno Altai region, who they were, and how they relate to players in later cultures. The reader will also learn about what tool development processes were used by players in each of the cultures, how the original culture of the first residents was inherited and further developed by later generations, how the rock art remaining across this region relates to the material civilization or spiritual culture of the time, and how the style of each of the cultures was expressed. Furthermore, the reader will also have an opportunity to think about how those cultures relate to the Korean national culture.




Table of Contents


1. Topographical Characteristics of the Altai Region - N.A. Bokovenko


2. Stone Age in the Altai Region - A.L. Kungurov
   Research on the Old Stone Age of the Altai People
   Pre-Mousterian Period and the Development of Mousterian Culture in the Altai Region
   Post-Old Stone Age
   Middle Stone Age
   New Stone Age


3. Altai in the Bronze Age - A.L. Kungurov
   Belshemys Culture
   Afanasiev Culture
   Karakol Culture
   Elunin Culture


4. Culture in the Altai Region in the Scythian Period - N.A. Bokovenko
   History of Archaeological Studies on the Altai Region in the Scythian Period and Major Issues
   Culture in the Altai Region in the Scythian-Saka Period


5. Altai under the Control of the Xiongnu Empire - A.A. Tishkin


6. Chronicle of Rocks in the Altai Region - E.G. Devlet
   Rock Art Sites and Their Chronology
   Ancient Myths and Legends Recorded on Rocks


7. Altai and the Korean National Culture - Jang Seogho (張錫浩)
   Spatio-temporal Characteristics of Altai
   Players in Altai Culture and the World of Spiritual Culture and Material Civilization
   The Ancient Arts of Korea and Altai