Beyond China’s Expansionist Nationalism: A Korean Perspective
  • Date2024.03.27
  • Hit50



Northeast Asian History Foundation | December 27, 2023 | 124 pages |  ISBN 979-11-7161-066-2 l Not for sale

This book selects articles from the previous Northeast Asia History Report manuscripts that respond to China's distortion of history and aims to provide foreigners with a logical understanding of historical facts in the face of China's unilateral claims.



Publisher’s Remarks

Editor’s Note


Section I: Historical Issues

Chapter 1: China’s Northeast Project: Where to from Here?

Chapter 2: China’s Erasing of Ancient Northern Korean History

Chapter 3: China’s Mystification of the Great Wall: Did the Great Wall of Yan, Qin and Han

Exist in the Liaodong Region?

Chapter 4: What Is the Problem with the Issue of Suzerainty between Korea and China?

Chapter 5: The Idea of the Chinese Nation as a Community: Its Origins and Evolution


Section II: Cultural Dimensions

Chapter 6: China’s Claim of ‘Cultural Origin’: Its Background and Unconvincing Arguments

Chapter 7: Fermenting Food, Fermenting Thoughts

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