Submission Guidelines
All manuscripts and communication should be directed to
1. The Journal of Northeast Asian History (ISBN 1976-3735) follows Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010).
2. Submitted manuscripts, including footnotes and illustrations, should be approximately thirty pages in length. The manuscript should be double-spaced in 12-point type.
3. The first page of the manuscript should provide the article title, and the names(s) and affiliations(s) of the author(s).
4. The second page should provide an abstract of no more than 150 words and at least five keywords that are placed following the abstract.
5. Romanization systems for East Asian languages are as follows: Revised Romanization, by the Republic of Korea government, for Korean, Pinyin for Chinese, and Hepburn for Japanese. For Inner Asian languages, Manchu, and Mongolian, please follow the systems used in the Cambridge History of China, volume 6. Exceptions to these are proper names internationally authorized, such as Koguryo.
6. Diacritics in East Asian language romanization systems (e.g., macrons in Japanese) must be given consistently.
7. East Asian (Korean, Chinese, and Japanese) scripts should appear wherever necessary in the body of the text or in the footnotes, following the appropriate romanization. Korean scripts should be in standard PC or Macintosh encoding, Chinese characters in standard Big5 encoding (please use traditional form, or fantizi 繁體字), and Japanese kanji and kana in Shift-JIS.
Authors are encouraged to present good quality of illustrations (maps, photographs, etc.) in their manuscripts. Changes at the proof stage and later will be accepted only upon the Editor's approval. Final proofs are sent to both authors and book reviewers, and corrections are to be limited to printing errors only.
Authors are to obtain permission to reproduce any copyright material. In assigning copyright, authors may use their own materials in other publications if The Journal of Northeast Asian History is acknowledged as the original place of publication and the Northeast Asian History Foundation is notified in writing in advance. Authors also agree to assign copyright of their manuscript to the Northeast Asian History Foundation to ensure that the materials in the journal can be distributed as widely as possible.
The stipulations below are the public pronouncement of The Journal of Northeast Asian History for academic integrity and originality.
1. Articles and book reviews in The Journal of Northeast Asian History do not represent the views of the Northeast Asian History Foundation or the journal’s editors.
2. No part of a manuscript submitted to the journal should be under review for publication elsewhere nor have been published in another publication without the permission of The Journal of Northeast Asian History.
3. Three specialists, including editorial board members, if appropriate, will be appointed peer reviewers to evaluate the suitability of the manuscript. The Editor is responsible for the final acceptance or rejection of the manuscript.
4. Any form of scholarly misconduct, including plagiarism, forgery, or falsification, in the process of research or writing for the completion of the manuscript is not permitted. If misconduct is reported, the editorial board will form a committee to consider the withdrawal of the manuscript. If misconduct is proved, the manuscript under investigation will be immediately withdrawn and the author will not be permitted to submit further manuscripts to The Journal of Northeast Asian History.
5. Quotation of or references to sources in the manuscript must be clear. Authors are fully responsible for all the factual and numerical contents published in their manuscript.
6. In the case of co-authored manuscripts, the order of authors should reflect the extent to which they contributed to the completion of the manuscript.