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JNAH : No, , Title , Volume , Date , Hit , File 정보 제공
No Title Volume Date Hit File
56 China’s Perspective on Balhae History JNAH vol.4-2 Winter, 2007 2010.12.28 1,286
55 Transition of Understanding Balhae in Japan JNAH vol.4-2 Winter, 2007 2010.12.28 1,215
54 Balhae Studies in Russia JNAH vol.4-2 Winter, 2007 2010.12.28 1,212
53 The Logic of Historical Disputes and Their Origins in Northeast Asia: Reflection for Communication JNAH vol.4-2 Winter, 2007 2010.12.28 1,255
52 Achievements of the 2007 World Conference of History-Related NGOs, and Prospects for the Future JNAH vol.4-2 Winter, 2007 2010.12.28 1,251
51 An Afterward on "The International Forum for Historical Reconciliation in Northeast Asia" JNAH vol.4-2 Winter, 2007 2010.12.28 1,198
50 Kindai Nihon no Yōmeigaku 近代日本の陽明学 JNAH vol.4-2 Winter, 2007 2010.12.28 1,130
49 Chūgoku Higashi Ajia gaikō kōryūshi no kenkyū 中国東アジア外交交流史の研究 JNAH vol.4-2 Winter, 2007 2010.12.28 1,099
48 Some Reflections on this Special Issue about Koguryŏ's Foreign Relations JNAH vol.4-1 Summer, 2007 2010.12.28 1,115
47 The Interstate Order of Ancient Northeast Asia: Focusing on the 4th~7th Centuries JNAH vol.4-1 Summer, 2007 2010.12.28 1,206
46 Koguryŏ and Gaya: Contacts and Consequences JNAH vol.4-1 Summer, 2007 2010.12.28 1,193
45 Control or Conquer? Koguryŏ's Relations with States and Peoples in Manchuria JNAH vol.4-1 Summer, 2007 2010.12.28 1,158