Submission Address
Editorial Office
Northeast Asian History Foundation
12F NH NongHyup Life BLDG., Tongil-ro 81, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 120-705, Korea /
Aims and Scope
The Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies (JTMS) is an interdisciplinaryjournal of research on territorial and maritime issues. The journal provides anacademic medium for the advancement and dissemination of research resultsin the fields of history, international law, international relations and peace studies.The journal covers all continental areas across the world, and it discussesany territorial and maritime subjects through various research methods fromdifferent perspectives; moreover, practical studies as well as theoretical works,which contribute to a better understanding of territorial and maritime issues,are encouraged.
Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to Submittedpapers should include four major sections: the Title Page, Abstract, Main Body,and References. The title page should contain the title of the paper, the author’sname, the institutional affiliation and keywords. Manuscripts should follow theauthor-date method of in-text citation; author’s last name and the year of publicationfor the source material should appear in the text, for example, (Kim,2000). An initial of the author’s first name may be added, for example, (C Lee,2010), in case of more than one author with the same last name. Completesource information should appear in the reference list at the end of the manuscript.A length of approximately 9,000 words is preferred for an article, includingfootnotes, and approximately 2,000 words for a review.
Each submitted manuscript must not be published elsewhere and upon thepublication of an article, its copyright belongs to the Northeast Asian HistoryFoundation unless agreed otherwise by all parties concerned. Any individualor institution that wishes to reprint any part of JTMS should acquire writtenpermission from the Northeast Asian History Foundation at
All of the articles in JTMS have undergone peer review by the editorial boardof JTMS prior to publication. The author of each individual article, however,is held solely responsible for any academic or legal controversy arising fromthe content of the article. The editors, publisher, editorial board members oranyone involved in the publication of JTMS cannot be held liable if any legalissues arise.
Information for Subscribers
The Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies is a semiannual publication issuedtwice a year in Winter/Spring and Summer/Fall. The publication’s contentsare also accessible online through the Northeast Asian History Foundation’swebsite. New orders, renewals and sample copy requests should be sent to theEditorial Office.