Colonialism and Border Disputes in Africa: The Case of the Malawi-Tanzania Dispute over Lake Malawi/Nyasa
  • Date 2014.01.17
  • Hit 703

Colonialism and Border Disputes in Africa: The Case of the Malawi-Tanzania Dispute over Lake Malawi/Nyasa / Mi Yung Yoon


. The Colonial Partition of Africa and Problems of African Borders
. OAU/AU Positions on Border Issues
. The Lake Malawi/Nyasa Border Dispute: A Case Study
    Colonization of Malawi and Tanzania
    The Anglo-German Agreement (Heligoland-Zanzibar Treaty) of 1890: The Origin of Controversy
    Inconsistent Evidence Regarding the Border
    The Role of the Oil and Natural Gas Potential in the Dispute
    Settlement Efforts
    International Law and Lake Delimitation
. Conclusion


The Journal of Territorial and Maritime Sudies vol 1-1 (Winter / Spring, 2014)

  • No Data.