Dokdo Its History and Facts
  • 작성일2020.02.11
  • 조회수410

Dokdo Its History and Facts

Dokdo Its History and Facts



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크라운판 변형 | 619

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US $48 / 34,000










도서 소개

이 책은 독도연구를 영문으로 번역한 것이다. 저자는 이 책에서 논쟁분석방법을 채택하여 독도가 한국 땅임을 입증하고 있다. 한국 주장과 일본 주장을 대비시키면서 일본 주장의 허점을 드러나게 하여 일본의 독도 영유권 주장의 허위성을 논증하고 있는 것이다. 1995년 이후 격화된 한일 간 독도 논쟁을 자세히 살피고 있다. 뿐만 아니라 미국의 자료들도 충실히 반영하고 있어 독도 영유권 공고하게 하기 위한 학문적 역량을 강화하는데 밑거름이 될 것이다.


The Author’s Acknowledgment


Introductory Remarks


Chapter 1 The History of the Dokdo Issue and the Geography of Dokdo

1. Dokdo in Korea-Japan Relations

2. Geography, Topography, and the Ecosystem of Dokdo


Chapter 2 Records of Ulleungdo and Usando from Goryeo and Early Joseon

1. Focus on the Korea-Japan Controversy

2. Records from the Samguk sagi and the Samguk yusa

3. Records from History of Goryeo

4. Records from the Annals of King Sejong “Geographical Gazetteer”

5. Records from Revised and Augmented Survey of the Geography of Joseon and the Attached Map

6. Records from the Annals of King Seongjong

7. Summary


Chapter 3 The Conflict between Joseon and Japan over Ulleungdo and Usando, and An Yong-bok’s Confrontation with Japan

1. The Genesis of the Ulleungdo Dispute, or the “Takeshima Incident”

2. Explanations Drawn from the Official Japanese Government Text Inshū shichō gakki (Collection of Survey Records on Oki Province)

3. An Yong-bok’s Negotiation with Japan

4. An Yong-bok Returns to Japan and Negotiates

5. An Yong-bok Avoids Death as the Territorial Rights Dispute Officially Ends


Chapter 4 The Meiji Government Concludes upon Investigation that Takeshima and Matsushima are “Irrelevant to Our Country”

1. The “Ulleung-Usan Separation Theory” is Settled as a Result of Regular Patrol Governance

2. Maps Produced before the Meiji Restoration Acknowledge Ulleungdo and Usando as Joseon Territories

3. The Meiji Government Inspects Takeshima and Matsushima

4. The Korean-Japanese Controversy over Director Tanabe Taichi’s Remarks

5. The Korean-Japanese Controversy over the Confusion of the Takeshima and Matsushima Naming Convention in Japanese Texts


Chapter 5

Dokdo: The Joseon Government Incorporates the Island into Ulleung-gun County as “Seokdo,” but Four Years and Four Months Later the Japanese Government Incorporates the Island into Shimane Prefecture as “Takeshima”

1. The Joseon Government Decides to Develop Ulleungdo and Its Affiliated Islands

2. The Dokdo Jurisdiction Transferred to Ulleung-gun County by an Enactment of the Korean Empire

3. The Government of the Empire of Japan “Incorporates” Dokdo into Shimane Prefecture

4. The Korean-Japanese Controversy Regarding the Decisions Made by the Japanese Government

5. The Japanese Government Notifies Ulleung-gun County of Its Incorporation After Stripping Korea of Diplomatic Rights Despite Not Acknowledging Incorporation by the Government of the Korean Empire


Chapter 6 The Fall of Japan and the Restoration of Dokdo

1. The Cairo and Potsdam Declarations Promise the Restoration of Korea to Its Original Setting

2. Three Documents Related to the Allied Occupation of Japan Published after Japanese Surrender, and Dokdo

3. “Memorandum for Governmental and Administrative Separa\-tion of Certain Outlying Areas from Japan” and Dokdo

4. The MacArthur Line, the Korea Air Defense Identification Zone, and Dokdo

5. The San Francisco Treaty and Dokdo


Chapter 7 Japan Attempts to Make Dokdo a Subject of “Legal Dispute”

1. Korea’s Proclamation of the Peace Line and the Restoration of Japan’s Sovereignty Leads to the Korean-Japanese Controversy over Dokdo

2. Japan’s Proposal to Take the Matter to the International Court of Justice and Korea’s Refusal

3. Dokdo Discussed at the Korean-Japanese Summit Meetings between 1962 and 1965

4. The Dokdo Issue Resumes as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Takes Effect

5. Heightened Tension After Shimane Prefecture Establishes “Takeshima Day”








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