Wook-Dong Kim
A New Approach to No-Yong Park’s Biographical Information
Special Topic
Korea’s Sovereignty Restoration Initiatives Surrounding the Russo-Japanese War:
Perspectives of the Great Powers
Heeyeon Kim
Electricity, Water, and Mining Concessions Granted to Collbran & Bostwick Co.
during the Russo-Japanese War
Deokkyoo Choi
Russian Minister of Finance Vladimir Kokovtsov and Korean Patriot Ahn Chunggŭn
in Harbin (1906-1909)
Sungmin Han
Japan’s Response to Korea’s Dispatch of Special Envoy to The Second Hague Peace
Research Trend
The Korea-Japan History Education Forum: Significance and Prospect
Sung Min Woo
Masashi Haneda
The Basic Structure of Japanese High School World History Textbooks: Issues and
Atsushi Nito
Ancient Japan-Korea Relations, as Narrated in Japanese History Textbooks
Yuki Sato
Concepts for Understanding Premodern History: Modern and Contemporary History
and Advanced Japanese History
Haruhito Kouchi
Challenges and Prospects of Textbooks in Japanese History
Katsuji Nara
‘Early Modern Period’ in Comprehensive History
Review Articles
Jong-Hak Kim
New Perspectives on the Study of Korean Diplomatic History: Diplomatic Documents
of Korea (2009-2018) and Korea’s Foreign Relations and Diplomatic History (2019)