
The Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies vol 1-1
  • 작성일 2014.02.18
  • 조회수 1340

JTMS The Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies Volume 1 Number 1 Winter / Spring 2014




제목 : JTMS (The Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies), vol 1-1 (Winter / Spring 2014)
ISSN 2288-6834





Societal Heterogeneity, Weak States and Internal Conflict:
Evaluating One Avenue to Territorial Peace and Instability
Karen Rasler and William R. Thompson 5

Maintaining Maritime Peace in East Asia: 27A Legal Perspective
Keyuan Zou 27

Vietnam and the South China Sea Dispute:
Sovereign Claim, Energy Security and Joint Development Agreement
Min Van Pham 51

China’s Territorial Disputes with Japan:
The Case of Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands
Hui-yi Katherine Tseng 71

Russia’s Territorial Disputes with China and Japan:
A Comparative Analysis
Andrey Sidorov 97

Japan’s Quest for Dokdo and the South Kurile Islands:
A Sub-State/Non-State Actors Analysis
Alexander Bukh 115



A Genealogy of Territory àa la Foucault
Whanyung Kim 135

Cultural Context of the U.S./Mexico Border
Yoonjeong Chang 141