
The Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies vol 2-1
  • 작성일 2015.01.19
  • 조회수 1255

JTMS The Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies Volume 2 Number 1 Winter / Spring 2015





제목 : JTMS (The Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies), vol 2-1 (Winter / Spring 2015)




ISSN 2288-6834














Peace as the Absence of Militarized Conflict: 5Comparing the Democratic and Territorial Peace


John A. Vasquez and Emily E. Barrett




The Global Security Management Crisis


Patrick Morgan




Tectonic Move in 21st Century International Relations: Ukrainian Territorial Crisis, Realignments of Major Powers, and Implications for the World


Yi Feng and Jacek Kugler




The Consolidation of the Euro-regional Territory and Its Consequences: The Case of the Galicia-North of Portugal Euro-Region


Enrique Varela, Censo Cancela and Constantino Cordal




The EU External Edges: Borders as Walls or Ways?


Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche




The Use of Force at Sea in the 21st Century: Some Reflections on the Proper Legal Framework(s)


Efthymios D. Papastavridis




Geopolitics and Conflict: Reconciling Spatiality, Borders, and Sovereignty


in the Modern World System


Harvey Starr










A Flexible Expansion of Space to Resolve Conflict Borders


Youngkyu Shim