제목 : JTMS(The Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies) vol 3-1
(Winter/Spring 2016)
ISSN 2288-6834
The Colonial Origins of Territorial Disputes in South Asia
Sandip Kumar Mishra
Maritime Features in the Public Order of the Oceans:
A Jurisprudential Reflection
Charles H. Norchi
Shinzo Abe’s Scheme of Staking Territorial Claims to Korea’s Dokdo
Edward Kwon and Liza Abram Benham
Making Peace over a Disputed Territory in Southeast Asia:
Lessons from the Batu Puteh / Pedra Branca Case
Kamarulzaman Askandar and Carlervin Sukim
Irredentism in Disputed Territories and Its Influence on
the Border Conflicts and Wars
German Kim
Why is the North Sea West of Us?:
Principles behind the Naming of Seas
Peder Gammeltoft
Is There a Best Practice for a Peaceful Resolution of
the South China Sea Disputes?
Sukjoon Yoon