
Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies Vol 4-1
  • 작성일 2017.02.10
  • 조회수 423



제목 : JTMS(The Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies)  vol 4-1 
         (Winter/Spring 2017)


ISSN 2288-6834



Sharks Need Protection and Surfers Want Security

 (Geraldine Giraudeau)

Historic Title Over Land and Maritime Territory

 (Xuechan Ma)

Overcoming Territoriality Through Water Regime

 (Michelle Rubido Palumbarit)



Conflicts, Names and Sea Space: A Review of the 22nd International Seminar on Sea Names

 (Joshua Nash)

The Multi-Scalar Geographies of Place Naming: The Case of Cyprus

 (Steven M.Radil)

Pitcairn Island, Island Toponymies and Fishing Ground Names

 (Joshua Nash)

The "One-Letter War"-or, How Skagerrak Became a Disputed Name

 (Peder Gammeltoft)


BOOK Review

Call for Papers and Style Guide