
Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies Vol 9-2
  • 작성일 2022.07.19
  • 조회수 221

Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies Vol 9-2 표지


Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies Volume9, No.2

ISSN 2288-6834



Maximilian Ernst, “Control Through Cooperation? Assessing China’s Economic and Military-Strategic Interests in the South China Sea”

Stefan Kirchner, Nuccio Mazzullo, Ayonghe Akonwi Nebasifu, Pamela Lesser, Paula Tulppo, Katri-Maaria Kyllönen and Katharina Heinrich, “Towards a Holistic Cross-Border Environmental Governance in the European Arctic”

Alik Naha, “Geostrategic Significance of the Bay of Bengal in India’s Maritime Security Discourse”

Saidatul Nadia Abd Aziz and Salawati Mat Basir, “South China Sea: ASEAN Mechanism on Maritime Disputes and the Rise of the Indo Pacific Region”

Sriparna Pathak and Obja Borah Hazarika, “Reasons and Reactions to the Galwan Clash: An Indian Perspective”