Chinese High School History Textbooks: Current Status and Characteristics
This research was conducted as part of the Northeast Asian History Foundation's 2009 project to "identify and analyze the current status of history textbooks in China". The Foundation has been carrying out special research projects since 2006, focusing on how Chinese high school and university textbooks describe Korean history, and published a number of books, including 《The Problematics of Descriptions of Ancient Korea in Chinese Government History Textbooks》, 《The Issuses of Ethnicities, Nations, and Territory in Chinese Government History Textbooks》, 《Comparision of History Textbooks in China, Taiwan, and Hong》, 《Korea and Korean History In College History Textbooks of China》,《History Education and Perception of Korean History in the Universities of Taiwan and Hong Kong 》
Kim, Ji-hun (Professor, Sung Kyun Kwan University)