Earthquake in Japan and the Catfish Myth
Most of us have heard a lot of news about the recent earthquakes in Japan. At 2:46 PM on April 11, one month after the massive earthquake hit Japan on March 11, everyone in Japan heard a siren and offered a silent prayer for the victims of the earthquake. Two and a half hours later, at 5:16 PM, I went to a post office just across from school, and at that time, tall buildings began to shake tremendously. This time the epicenter was somewhere near Tokyo, and a magnitude 7 earthquake had an impact on my neighborhood. All buildings and trees outside were rocking from side to side. I had motion sickness, and felt terrified all at once. When will it be over? Everyone pretends they are fine, but we are all experiencing one uneasy day after another here in Japan. I think that many Japanese people want to flee to Korea only if it is possible.
Kim, Min-gyu Research Fellow, Research Department