시마네현 소위 ‘다케시마(竹島)의 날’ 조례 제정의 기원
The Origin of Shimane Prefecture’s So-called ‘Takeshima Day’ Ordinance Issues for securing fishing rights raised by Shimane Prefecture The core of Shimane Prefecture’s claim to Dokdo was fishing rights. Although Korea and Japan concluded a fishery agreement in 1965, Korean and Japanese fishermen were allowed to fish in the surrounding waters, excluding Dokdo’s territorial waters. However, as a result of Korea’s policies to intensively nurture inshore and deep-sea fisheries, the catches between Korea and Japan reversed in 1977, and Korean fishing boats caught more fish than Japanese ones in the Yamato Tai and Hokkaido waters. As a result, as the fishing issue between Korea and Japan emerged as a diplomatic issue, the conflict between the fishermen of the two countries amplified. In addition, in March 1977, the Soviet Union’s 200-nautical mile zone led to the enactment of new territorial sea laws between Korea and Japan. When Japan implemented the 12-nautical mile territorial sea and 200-nautical mile fishing zone law from July 1977, it set only the 12-nautical mile territorial sea around Dokdo and did not apply it to the 200-nautical mile fishing zone. In response, Japanese fishermen and related organizations organized the ‘200-Nautical Mile Promotion Campaign Headquarters’ and developed a campaign to demand the establishment of a 200-nautical mile zone and the fisheries administration to guarantee fishing rights. As such, the Korean government’s offshore policy to exclude Japanese fishing boats from the vicinity of Dokdo began in earnest as the fishing area expanded from the coastal waters of Korea to the waters around Japan due to the modernization of fishing technology and the enlargement of fishing boats. As a result, Shimane Prefecture began raising the issue of territorial sovereignty again in order to secure fishing rights around Dokdo.
Professor Park Chang-geon, Department of Japanese Studies, Kookmin University
일본의 국경인식과 영토민족주의 - 누가 일본의 경계를 지키는가? -
Japan’s Border Recognition and Territorial Nationalism - Who Guards Japan's Borders? - January 12, 2023 at 6:40 AM. Members of the Liberal Democratic Party’s National Defense Lawmakers’ League arrived at Miyakojima, a three-and-a-half-hour flight from Tokyo. Citizens and reporters protesting against the facilities of the Self-Defense Forces gathered at the arrival hall. Miyakojima is attracting attention as the Japanese government recently decided to establish facilities for the Japan Self-Defense Forces there. LDP lawmakers said that the visit to Miyakojima was a support activity for the Kishida cabinet to increase its defense budget. However, on the other side, there is a change in their territorial perception that it is a key point for national strategy in an island on the periphery. In the 2000s, Japan established laws and systems related to maritime territories in a short period of time. The Framework Act on the Sea was enacted in 2007, followed by the announcement of the Framework Plan for the Sea every five years from 2008. In 2013, the Office for Planning and Coordination of Territorial and Sovereignty in the Cabinet Secretariat was established, and in 2018, the Territory and Sovereignty Exhibition Hall related to Dokdo, the Southern Kuril Islands, and the Senkaku Islands(Chinese name: Diaoyu Islands) was opened. In 2020, the Territory and Sovereignty Exhibition Hall was expanded and relocated to about seven times the size of the previous one. As such, Japan strengthened its maritime territorial claims over the past 20 years or so by overhauling its laws, systems, and related institutions. In the background, there is bipartisan cooperation led by the LDP and activities of right-wing groups.
Seok Ju-hee, researcher at the NAHF Dokdo Research Institute
러시아문서관을 가다
Visit to the Russian Archives Why I went to the Russian Archives When I read a paper or book, the first things I look at are footnotes and references. It is the same reason you look at the back of the bag to see what the ingredients are when you buy snacks or processed foods. If the thesis is cooking, it is natural to want to know what was used as the main ingredient. This is because a dish using freshly harvested ingredients cannot be compared to a dish made with ingredients that have already been served on the table. It was B. V. Ananich, who was my doctoral course advisor, who trained me to learn these common sense truth. The professor inherited the genealogy of empirical history in St. Petersburg, which was faithful to the archive rather than official history specialized in historical theory. Thanks to that, I was able to spend a dreamlike time, intoxicated with the scent of archives, during the chaotic period after the collapse of the former Soviet Union. Professor Ananichi was not in Russia, which I returned to after completing my degree. He passed away in 2015. However, during my one-year dispatch to Russia in 2022, the professor gave me the strength to focus on the archive even in the chaos of the Ukraine war and blockade. There was no hassle of having to line up early in the morning to get a seat in the archives and no fuss from tourists due to the war. Every day I went to the archives as I went to school in Moscow and Petersburg.
Choi Deok-kyu, research fellow at NAHF Korea-China Relations History Research Institute