the Cover
Fun Outing with Exciting Music
Cover: The marching band painted on the eastern wall of the Susan-ri Mural Tomb

A marching band is painted on the lower part of the eastern wall of the burial chamber of the Susan-ri mural tomb in South Pyeongan Province, North Korea. Featured on the left-hand side of the painting are two men carrying the frame of a gong over their shoulders and another man who appears to be playing the gong while marching alongside it. And a player of a very long horn is depicted on the right-hand side of the painting.

As often featured in the mural tombs of Koguryo, a marching band was usually placed at the front of the procession of nobles on an outing and served to boost the mood and keep order during the procession. The band featured on this particular mural painting is small, and, judging by its size, so must be the procession that it is leading. But the painting is still exciting to watch because of its dynamic depiction of the men handling the musical instruments.

Especially notice how the gong is fixed to its frame with a chain on three points along the edge so that it can remain still when hit by a player walking alongside it. And the two of the chains are connected to the frame's two standing poles to the left and the right of the gong. The other notable features of the gong are the colorful patterns engraved on its body and the black-tasseled sangae (a kind of parasol) installed above it for protection against intense sunlight or storms. Also impressive is the horn, which is almost as long as the horner is tall, black on the outside and red on the inside, and with a flapping flag at its tip.

Evidently the ancient people of Koguryo knew how to enjoy a good time and make it more fun with exciting music. We can almost hear it on our own spring outing today, too.