the Cover
History Issues and the Relationship between Korea and Japan

中學敎程 日本地理附圖 全 中等學科敎授法硏究會 편 耕文社, 明治30(1897); 東京 과거 일본이 독도를 자국 영토로 표기하지 않았음을 보여주는 19세기 일본 교과서로 1897년에 발행된 일본 중학교 과정의 지리부도. 현재 일본 정부가 독도가 속해 있다고 주장하는 시마네현과 관련하여, 독도가 있어야 할 지역은 지도 내에 포함되어 있지 않다.

There have been many changes in the relationship between Korea and Japan. In particular, relations between the two countries have made great progress, starting with the Murayama Discourse and A New Japan-Republic of Korea Partnership towards the 21 Century. However, the difference in perceptions of the two countries and the liquidation of past history surrounding historical issues are still a pending issue today. Now, the people of both countries hope that the historical issue will no longer have a negative impact on the solidarity of the two countries. If the two countries are strengthened and activated under the basic perception of facing the past and building the future, a more productive and constructive relationship is likely to be established. In the future, both countries will have to make continuous efforts to make history dialogue and historical reconciliation at various levels.

Japanese Geography for Middle School Students

Editorial Writers : The Teaching Methods Research Society of Secondary School

Issue: Kyungmunsa


It is a 19th century Japanese textbook that shows that Japan did not mark Dokdo as their territory in the past. It is a geography book of Japanese middle school course published in 1897. Regarding Shimane Prefecture, where the Japanese government claims that Dokdo belongs, the area where Dokdo should be is not included in the map.