Never Ever Forget!


"Why would anybody want to reveal such a painful past? But I stand before you today because it is so painful, because you and our future generations should not experience such pain. I implore you never to forget our history. Always remember it so that our tragic past is not repeated."

This was the statement by Ms. GIL Won-ok (82), a victim of Japan's military sexual slavery, at the 851st Wednesday Demonstration on February 4. It was only in 2002 that Ms. GIL came out into the open, revealed that she had been a "comfort woman," and began taking part in various activities demanding an official apology and compensation from the Japanese government. She confessed that before then, she had kept to herself, imprisoned in her own sense of guilt over her "shameful past."

"But when I met these [women's rights activists], I realized I was not a sinner. They had nothing to do with us or military sexual slavery, and yet, they were working so hard for our cause. That is when it hit me that I needed to take more initiative. Now, I go anywhere and everywhere--Europe, Japan, the United States--to get the word out."

Ms. GIL will entreat anyone who will listen: "Do not ever forget our history and what we were subjected to." She insists that wars must be prevented. And even if a war does break out, she asks that people learn from the lessons of history and never allow themselves to suffer what she had to endure.

Place to call home

The Japanese military "comfort women" were from Japan's colony of Joseon. They were forced into sexual slavery by their colonizers. They were treated "less than military supplies," "like animals," and like "public toilets" set up for the sexual gratification of Japanese soldiers. After the Pacific War, some of them returned to their hometowns. Yet they could not find the freedom they had longed for. Awaiting them was taunting and discrimination, and they were forced into silence by their family, hometown, and the country. What these women got was finger-pointing and the cold shoulder. The "comfort women" trauma was what forced the women into the coldest, most destitute, and most alienating corners of our society.

After a half-century, there were changes. The "comfort women" could finally break their silence. Women's rights activists--complete strangers, held out there helping hand to the "comfort women," and the "comfort women" have the activists their trust. Together, they began to reprimand and change Korea society, which had been ashamed about and discriminated against the "comfort women." The former Korean "comfort women" also offered support and encouragement to the "comfort women" across Asia. The Korean "comfort women" called on them to have the courage to openly denunciate Japan for its crimes. They became globe-trotting women's rights activists, traveling to the United States, Europe, and around Asia. They also became the most active participants of the Wednesday Demonstration in front the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, playing an important role in the event's longevity. The Wednesday Demonstration, which began on January 8, 1992, has been held 856 times over 17-plus years.

Remembering and education

And yet, the Japanese government has yet to demonstrate remorse over their past aggressions and has yet to offer a formal apology or compensation to the victims. Rather, they honor and remember war criminals at Yasukuni Shrine and dream of waging another war. Conflicts still rage on in many parts of the world, and women are still being victimized like Korea's "comfort women" have been. That is why the victims of Japan's military sexual slavery find it all the more urgent to get their message out: "Do not let the victimization to which we were subjected repeat itself!" Fortunately, in accordance with the wishes of the "comfort women," efforts are underway to remember their past and prevent it from ever happening again. Scholars are engaged in historical research, and the act of remembering is being put into practice in classrooms and in people's everyday lives. There is also a flurry of activities related to collecting historical materials and developing education materials for students. Furthermore, in order to prevent the recurrence of such an atrocity, fact-finding activities and efforts to seek accountability for the "comfort women" system are also ongoing. In Tokyo, Japan, Japanese women came together to found the Women's Active Museum on War and Peace, which seeks to educate those generations that did not experience the War about the victims of the Japanese military "comfort women" system and find solutions to the issue. The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan was provided a small plot of land in Seodaemun Independence Park by the Seoul Metropolitan Government. A groundbreaking ceremony was held on March 8 for the establishment of the Museum of War and Women's Human Rights, and fund raising for its construction is still ongoing. Children, students, workers, nuns, Korean expatriates, and Japanese citizens are making contributions for the cause.

We are their hope

Time stops for no one. It has been half a century since the Pacific War. The victims of Japan's military "comfort women" system used to say they wanted to start over if only they could. These women are now in their 80s and 90s. An increasing number of them are passing on. Yet these victims do not want to be remembered as "dead." They want to be very much alive in our words, in museums, and in the history books that our children study They want to play a role in bringing peace to the land and creating a society in which women are respected.

When asked who is best suited to carry on this mission, former "comfort women" respond as follows:

You are our hope and dream. We, old folks, are weak. We only gain strength from your support. History is not something that can be erased. History should never be forgotten. The facts of history must be brought to light to as many people as possible through education and other such means. That is how we can safeguard peace and prevent the recurrence of historical wrongdoing. You are our strength and hope. So we ask you for your continued support. (851st Wednesday Demonstration)

It is our responsibility to make sure that their hopes do not fade away as mere echoes.