The Washington Conference was held in Washington, the capital of the United States, from November 12, 1921 to February 6, 1922. At this conference, delegations from nine countries including the United States, Japan, Britain, France, Italy, China, Belgium, Netherlands and Portugal gathered to discuss issues about East Asia and the Pacific region and concluded a series of agreements. As a result, the term 'Washington system' which means the formation of a new international order, has emerged. This system disappeared in the early 1930s due to Japan's invasion of Manchuria and the withdrawal of the League of Nations, and then the Sino-Japanese War and the Pacific War broke out. We should look at the background of the Washington conference and the trends and links between the Korean Commission to America and Europe for the Republic of Korea before and after the conference, the provisional government in Shanghai, and the national movement in Korea. Then, it will show how profoundly it has affected the Korean national movement towards home and abroad. (Ko Jeong-hyu)
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