Conversation with The Author
『Yu Deuk-gong, a Diplomat in Joseon who Specializes in History』
    Lim Sang-seon, Honorary Research Fellow of NAHF

만국내조도(萬國來朝圖) 중국 북경 古宮博物院 소장. 만국내조도는 청 건륭제 시기 주변의 조선, 일본, 안남을 비롯해 유럽의 네덜란드, 영국, 프랑스 등에서 내조한 사절단의 모습을 그린 것이다.

The History of Balhae and Yu Deuk-gong


The Korean and Chinese quarrels over the history of Balhae continue. Whether Balhae belongs to China or Korea is important to both countries. This is because the country to which Manchuria's history will belong is determined. Yu Deuk-gong wrote Study of Balhae Kingdom(渤海考)and said, "Balhae and Silla succeeded Goguryeo; the two countries became North and South States in the history of Korea.” The Korean perception of the history of Balhae is the is the same as his claim. Yu Deuk-gong has left many records on countries in Qing, Mongolia, Arabia, Japan, Southeast Asia and Europe.



Diplomatic Activities conducted by Yu Deuk-gong


The book states that Yu Deuk-gong's activities are no different from those of today's diplomat who specializes in history. He was a member of a diplomatic mission to visit the Qing Dynasty on behalf of Joseon. The activity changed the life of Yu Deuk-gong. He visited Shenyang in 1778, during the reign of King Jeongjo. In 1790, he went to Yanjing via Rehe Province. And shortly after Jungjo died in 1801, he visited Yanjing again. Yu Deuk-gong visited the Qing Dynasty three times at intervals of about 12 years. So he came to understand history and international relations. In 1790, Yu Deuk-gong formed envoys to celebrate the 80th birthday of Qianlong Empire of the Qing Dynasty. We reviewed the role of Yu Deuk-gong in their departure, activities, return, and reporting.


In the pre-modern Korea-China relationship, Yu Deuk-gong considered "the role of the envoy to look at the situation of other countries." The envoys of Joseon met with envoys from the Qing Dynasty, Southeast Asia, and the West to collect information. They organized and recorded information and reported it to Hanyang from time to time. He was interested in the peoples and international relations of the Manchuria, Han, Mongolia, Arabia, Britain, Netherlands, Russia, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Taiwan, and recorded his knowledge. This is the role of a diplomat who specializes in history today.


Yu Deuk-gong thought that it was important to know the language and letters of other countries in order to play the role of ambassador. Nevertheless, people at the time did not even try to learn Arabic, Mongolian Manchurian, or Chinese. Even ignorant people called Hanyu(漢語) the language of barbarian. But Yu Deuk-gong said that even the barbarian language, we sometimes use it when we learn it. He thought that language and letter were necessary to know about the situation in other countries.


『Yu Deuk-gong, a Diplomat in Joseon who Specializes in History』    

Differences in the Perceptions of International Relations between Jeongjo and Silhak Scholars


The envoys of Joseon reported to Hanyang about the main routes and events until they departed for the Qing Dynasty and returned home. The king of Joseon received the report of the envoys and took necessary measures. Jeongjo received three reports from the envoys who returned home. He received three separate reports, checking what the envoys had seen and heard, crossing and checking whether they were missing or falsely reporting.


When the domestic and foreign environment changed rapidly in the late 19th century, Joseon inevitably accepted the tribute system for the Qing Dynasty. However, Joseon maintained the existing contempt of the Qing People as barbarian. But there was a huge gap in perceptions of reality and the future. Silhak scholars argued that we should follow the culture and ideas of the Qing Dynasty and pay attention to international relations. On the other hand, Jeongjo and the mainstream group tried to apply the politics of the Song Dynasty and the teachings of Zhu Zi to Joseon. In the meantime, they left the fate of Joseon to the Qing Dynasty and gave up diplomacy.


『Yu Deuk-gong, a Diplomat in Joseon who Specializes in History』    

What Yu Deuk-gong Wants to Say to Us


Some thought candy was the sweetest and most delicious food. Then one day, he tried honey. And he said that the sweetness of honey was the best in the world. Yu Deuk-gong thought carefully when he heard this story. There will be many people who know Candy and do not know honey. This would mean knowing and preparing for a wider world, the coming West. Yu Deuk-gong said that history is important because we can see what will happen in the future if we look at the past. He also said that even if the world is calm, we should be interested in international relations and prepare for the future. This story is something we should listen to.