Why Does China Claim Their Cultural Ownership Only for Korean Culture?
At the end of 2021, South Korea was enraged at the Chinese news that “Chinese paochai has become the international standard for kimchi.” Starting with this, various cultural issues emerged as factors for conflicts between Korea and China. In particular, issues related to Korean identities, such as kimchi and hanbok, received more attention.
The controversy lies in China’s claim that "Korean traditional culture, including kimchi and hanbok, originated from China, and therefore they are Chinese." However, it raises one question. Why does China not make the same claim to other countries such as Mongolia, Vietnam, and Japan? Since these countries have had lengthy exchanges with China, it is natural that they would be influenced by Chinese culture. Could there be some other reasons for claiming cultural ownership only against Korea?
Finding Researchers to Work with is an Urgent Priority
Organizing a research team to analyze the cause and find countermeasures was urgently needed. However, no article comprehensively analyzed the cultural clash between Korea and China, only the individually written theses on the Gangneung Dano Festival Controversy or the Korean Wave.
First, I found and read literature that would help me understand the causes of cultural clashes between the two countries. It did not take much time as there was not much. Ultimately, I concluded that it is necessary to understand cultural imperialism, Chinese nationalism, the Gangneung Dano Festival Controversy, the anti-Korean Wave, and the cultural policy of the Xi Jinping government to understand China's attack on Korean culture.
chose authors who could be helpful for my research based on the outcomes of
their research after determining the overall research direction. However, it
was not easy to find the author's contact information based on the information
in the thesis or book only. Some have retired, and some changed jobs. I found the
authors' contact information using all available means, such as contacting
acquaintances or calling the publishers. However, when I tried to call them, I
was nervous in many ways. Would they be happy to answer the call? Would they
think that I am rude and tell me off? Fortunately, everyone responded
willingly, and we were able to hold an academic conference in September 2021 with
the title of
Why Does China Attack Korea for Its Culture?
The causes of cultural clashes between Korea and China can be divided into several aspects. First, it is because China attacks or blocks Korean culture to block the entry of Western ideas and religions contrary to its national ideology. This is because the spread of Western capitalist ideology and culture can undermine the socialist ideology and weaken the communist party's justification for their rule. When the Gangneung Dano Festival Controversy in 2004, the Chinese media referred to the Korean Festival as a 'Western festival' or equated Korean culture (especially K-pop) with Western culture. This indicates that the Korean Wave was recognized as a part of Western cultural imperialism. The Gangneung Dano Festival Controversy was a dispute over the ownership of traditional culture externally, but in fact, it was intended to block the influx of Western values and block the Korean Wave. The Xi Jinping administration intensified this trend since it took office and even implemented “cultural isolation.” They have blatantly persecuted Christianity and still maintain the law that bans Korean culture.
it is because the Chinese government attacks or blocks Korean culture as a way
to protect its cultural products. The Chinese government has imposed sanctions
on the Korean Wave to protect and nurture its cultural industry until it has
secured international competitiveness in the global competitive system led by
the Korean Wave. Sanctions against the Korean Wave began in earnest when the
The Xi Jinping administration is implementing patriotic marketing to block the influx of foreign cultures and cultural products into China by arming China with patriotism and nationalism. In January 2022, the French brand Dior featured a female model wearing traditional Chinese clothes and holding a Dior bag, looking straight ahead. Chinese patriots said that the “slanted eyes” and “ugly face” were intended to criticize China. The Chinese photographer said, "I apologize for my immaturity and ignorance of racial stereotypes. I respect the (angry) feelings of the Chinese.” This is an example of blocking the entry of foreign goods into China with the guise of patriotism.
Third, it is to secure an advantageous position on the Korean Peninsula in the competition for hegemony against the United States. After the Xi Jinping administration came in, Chinese netizens said that the clothes of officials of the Joseon Dynasty were granted by Ming China and that hanbok (Korean clothes) was Chinese. The fundamental reason for making this claim is to argue that Korea was a subordinate country of ancient China. Historian E. H. Carr said, "The belief that we come from somewhere is closely related to the belief that we are going somewhere." Look at China's historical interpretation of China-Korea relations. You can see how the two countries view the future of their relationship.
Korea has tended to see the cultural clash between Korea and China as a simple dispute over the ownership of traditional culture. However, it is a clash of civilizations and values due to globalization, competition in the cultural industry, and historical debate between Korea and China. In other words, there should be further research on the actual causes and countermeasures of cultural conflicts between Korea and China.
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