Several papers have proven that Dokdo can be seen from Ulleungdo: i) "Geographic Situation", written by Seoul National University Professor Lee Han-gi and published in《Korea's Territory》(1969); ii) "Height and Distance for Seeing Dokdo", written by Yeungnam University Professor Park Seong-yong and published in 《Research on Life Space and Social Organization of People in Dokdo and Ulleungdo》(2008); iii) "Mathematical Approach Toward the Dokdo Issue" written by Jeong Tae-man, former Director of Tax Office. These papers criticized Kawakami Kenzo (川上健三)'argument that Dokdo cannot be seen from Ullengdo, using mathematical approach or quoting Ulleungdo residents' remarks that they can see Dokdo from where they live.
"Dokdo Glory" – Beautiful Sunrise of Dokdo
The Northeast Asian History Foundation (hereinafter referred to as "Foundation) recently published a book, 《Dokdo is visible from Ulleungdo》, which contains a number of observation results and in-depth analysis in terms of history, international law, and meteorology . The authors wrote this book based on research outcomes, including pictures of Dokdo taken from Ulleungdo, under the Foundation's project to count the number of days when Dokdo is visible from Ulleungdo. The project lasted for a year and a half from July 2008 to December 2009.
I wrote the first chapter of the book, which is an introductory part that described how I got to participate in the project for a year and a half, and explained the significance of the project. The fact that Dokdo is seen from Ulleungdo with naked eyes has proven that Dokdo and Ulleungdo are related to each other in terms of history and culture, and that Dokdo is a sister island of Ulleungdo.
제2장에서는In the second chapter, Moon Cheol-yeong, Professor of History at Dankook University, examined the historical significance of the fact that Dokdo can be seen from Ulleungdo. We can find historical evidence in <Jiriji (地理志)> (1454), or geography book, of 《Sejong Sillok (世宗實錄)》, which are annals of King Sejong, and also in 《Ulleungdo Sajeok (鬱陵島事蹟)》(1694). These historical records are substantiated by the observations under the Foundation's project. Dokdo is visible from Ulleungdo, but it is never visible from Oki Island of Shimane Prefecture, which is closest to Dokdo. This points to the fact that Ulleungdo and Dokdo are considered as one life space, and Dokdo is a sister island attached to the main island, Ulleungdo.
In the third chapter, I looked at the significance of the fact that Dokdo is visible from Ulleungdo from the perspective of international law. From the fact that Dokdo is seen with naked eyes from Ulleungdo, we can claim "Discovery" and "geographical contiguity" in terms of international law. Although they are not considered to give full territorial title, it holds special meaning that Dokdo is visible from Ulleungdo. Dokdo remained an uninhabited island for a long time, but Ulleungdo residents were aware of the existence of Dokdo, and the two islands are recorded as a set of islets in Korean and Japanese official documents. This means that Ulleungdo and Dokdo form a unity from legal and historical perspectives. Professor Van Dyke of University of Hawaii mentioned in his 2007 paper that the fact that Dokdo is visible from Ulleungdo in clear autumn days further strengthens the relations between the two islands, and it indirectly proves that they fell under the sovereignty of Korea historically. The pictures taken during the Foundation's project include those taken from Ulleungdo residents' yards and others taken from the roads. Ulleungdo residents can see Dokdo in their daily lives, and this confirms that the two islands are closely related to each other in terms of history and culture.
In the fourth chapter, Jeon Yeong-shin, Director of Asian Dust Research Division at the National Institute of Meteorological Research under the Korea Meteorological Administration, and Lee Hyo-jeong (Assistant Researcher) made a meteorological analysis of the fact that Dokdo is visible from Ulleungdo. Based on the pictures and observation records, they compared satellite images, weather charts, and visibility range from Ulleungdo Weather Station on days when Dokdo was observed from Ulleungdo. As a result, they could identify the weather conditions and characteristics on days when Dokdo is visible from Ulleungdo.
It was discovered that it rained or snowed before or after the days when Dokdo was seen from Ulleungdo. Also, most of the days fell in autumn (September ~ November). In short, Dokdo is seen more clearly in autumn when the winds are cold or in spring, rather than in summer when there is dense sea fog. Also, it is often seen in early morning or when the horizon is clear. Although a year and a half is not a long time to identify the exact weather conditions on days when Dokdo is visible from Ulleungdo, it is discovered that Dokdo can be observed for three or four times a month at the least. Also, we discovered that there are special days when we can appreciate a great landscape of Dokdo. Ulleungdo, Dokdo, and the sun are aligned in a straight line in early November and early February, and we call it "Dokdo Glory", a beautiful sunrise from Dokdo.
The annex includes an essay written by Choi Hee-chan, Ulleungdo resident who were in charge of the observations. He expressed his thoughts and shares his experiences while observing Dokdo for a year and a half for the project. Lastly, Professor Moon Cheol-yeong wrote a travelogue, explaining the authors' field trip to Ulleungdo and Dokdo on July 28-31, 2010. He described that some farmers even created windows to observe Dokdo every day, and shared his vivid experiences there including a night he spent at a farmer's house, where a memorial hall for Ahn Yong-bok will be built.
It holds great significance that Dokdo is visible from Ulleungdo
It is not an easy task to write a book with a simple fact that Dokdo is visible from Ulleungdo. There were concerns that it could result in a boring book. Fortunately, the authors with different professions and areas of expertise participated in the project. Diverse opinions and perspectives were reflected in the book, and we also included many different photographs of Dokdo taken from Ulleungdo.
After publishing the book, I thought about what it means for Ulleungdo residents to be able to see Dokdo in their daily lives. I believe that the existence of Dokdo is truly meaningful to them. They are constantly reminded of the existence of Dokdo, and they have a firm belief that Dokdo is our territory. Ulleungdo is a remote island far away from the Korean peninsula. I assume that residents there miss the land and their loved ones living in the Korean peninsula, and Dokdo reminds them of their longing for their hometown. Maybe that is why they love Dokdo with all their hearts. It is my sincere hope that readers of this book can share their hearts and our passion.