"Remember History and Achieve Peace"
    Written by_ Jung Eun-Jung, NAHF PR & Training Administrator
field training for teachers of East Asian history

I visited China for 4 nights and 5 days from February 13 to 17 this year for the 'field training for teachers of East Asian history.' It was participated by 25 teachers chosen from those who had completed the group training sessions (winter/summer) for teachers of East Asian history in 2011. The purpose of this field training was to help prepare the teachers for the use of the East Asian history textbooks in Korean high school classrooms in 2012, enhancing their specialty in the subject by allowing them to gain field experience and knowledge in East Asian regions and a balanced view through exchange with the teachers of the visiting country. Marking the third time this year, the field training took place in locations across Shanghai and Nanjing in China under the theme 'Meet East Asia in China - in Search of the Chinese Culture and the Sites of Anti-Japanese Movements.'

Looking Back on the 20 Years of Korea-China Diplomatic Ties and Looking Forward

Our group began the schedule in Shanghai, the hub of the Chinese economy and culture. Shanghai is said to have become what it is today in just 10 years since its development began after Deng Xiaoping paid an inspection visit to the Pudong area. The site of the provisional government of Korea, was also located in the center of Shanghai's development, allowing us to gain an understanding of the provisional government's activities and get a glimpse into what Shanghai was like 100 years ago in comparison with its present appearance. The next day, we visited the Middle School Affiliated to Fudan University. This visit allowed us to gain an understanding of the secondary education of China and of the international education programs that are growing increasingly stronger within China. Most of the international schools running international programs are private schools operated under the main schools. Athough the Middle School Affiliated to Fudan University is a national school, one of the top 3 among 700 schools in Shanghai, its international school is a private one operated under the main school. The main school is providing full support to its students for active international and domestic exchange activities. They said that there were about 40 Korean students enrolled in the international school.
They explained that the Korean class, which started last year as the Korean Wave had recently boosted interest in Korea, had good enrollment, its students increasing rapidly from 20 to 60, reflecting their interest. Dr. Hwang Bo-gi of Nanjing University, who joined us in Shanghai to give a special lecture titled '20 Years of Korea-China Diplomatic Ties: Retrospect and Prospect,' addressed the Korea-China relations that would mark the 20th anniversary this year, while making a detailed introduction to the present status of historical science in China, the historical views of Chinese students, and the middle and the high school textbooks of China, and their descriptions of Korea by period, in an effort to further our understanding of Korea-China relations.

Forgive but Never Forget

After the Shanghai schedule, we headed to Nanjing, one of the most representative anti-Japanese war sites within China. The main itineraries there were the Middle School Affiliated to Nanjing Teachers College and the Najing Massacre Memorial Hall. Prior to our visit to Nanjing, NAHF Researcher Seo Hyun-Ju gave us a talk titled 'Different Views on Nanjing Massacre and Historical Reconciliation,' explaining with specific examples how 'Nanjin Massacre' was described in the Chinese and the Japanese textbooks and 'History That Opens the Future' co-produced by Korea, China, and Japan, in an effort to further our understanding. She also described in detail the discussion conducted in the government-led China-Japan Joint History Research Committee over 'Nanjing Massacre.' Our first schedule in Nanjing was to visit the Middle School Affiliated to Nanjing Teachers College which was using 'History That Opens the Future' co-published by Korea, China, and Japan as mentioned above in its classrooms as the official textbook. Founded in 1902, this school will mark its 110th anniversary this year. In its prime time during the anti-Japanese war in 1937-38, there were about 10 Korean students, the children of the Korean provisional government official including the son of Mr. Kim Gu, were enrolled in this school. In the curriculum unique to this school under the slogan "Remember History, Achieve Peace," history was a required course and there was also a weekly 2-hour peace education program conducted online and offline. And the school was providing full support for the activities which would allow the students to visit the historic sites and share their experiences with citizens and for international exchange activities for mutual understanding and communication.
In the afternoon, we visited the recently expanded Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall and had an interview with Director Chengshan Zhu, which gave us a deeper understanding of Nanjing Massacre. And reading the slogan 'Forgive but Never Forget' written on the exhibition facilities, we had a precious opportunity to learn how the Chinese were determined to preserve and remember their painful history from the past.

Beyond Conflict: Expecting China to Be Our Partner

field training for teachers of East Asian history

As mentioned earlier, the teachers who participated in this field training had completed the 30-hour theory course on 'East Asian history' beforehand. And many of them were either working in a high school that had adopted the 'East Asian history' textbook or going to teach the subject themselves from March this year. Increasing exchanges among Korea, China, and Japan have resulted in increasing interest in the other countries, and this has been the motivation of a majority of the participants in this training; they had an opportunity for hands-on experience in 'China,' a country that had merely existed in their ideas or minds, even though not all of them are necessarily going to teach 'East Asian history.' In particular, the visit to the education sites of China and the meeting with the passionate Chinese teachers allowed them to further their understanding of China and feel closer to it.

Accompanying the teachers in their visits to East Asian regions and being present in the sites of exchange among the teachers from home and abroad have also provided me with good ideas about programs that might be really necessary and beneficial to the education field. In addition, imagining the youth who would be introduced to China at a deeper level through the participating teachers, I found it a fulfilling experience to have promoted this program. I think that all the participants in this training probably had an opportunity to gain a better understanding of China and understand the country as a partner with which Korea should move together beyond conflict and toward peace. I really hope to see the continuation of the bonds established during this training.