『Land in Old Maps』, a Complete Guide to the Korean Old Maps of Land and Territory
    Written by_ Kwak Jin-o | Research Fellow at Dokdo Research Institute

The Northeast Asian History Foundation has published 『Land in Old Maps』, an atlas of old maps made in Korea prior to 1910. It features the old maps from home and abroad that are used for the research of land and territory and have an important position in the development of Korean cartography. The Korean Research Association of Old Maps and the Institute of Busan Geography were commissioned to research and edit this atlas. And the chief editor was Kim Ki-hyuk, a professor of geography education at the Pusan National University.

A Bulky Atlas Running a Total of 510 Pages

For a start, Land in Old Maps, is a bulky atlas in the A3 format running up to 510 pages. The first 386 pages are illustrations, featuring maps relevant to the contents of Part I <Land·Frontier·World> and Part II <The Development of Maps and Territory.> The maps chosen for this atlas cover a wide range of areas, including Hanyang, major cities and coastal areas, frontier defense facilities, East Sea/Dokdo, Mt. Baekdu areas and North Korea. The later pages are devoted to notes, including commentaries on Part I <Land·Frontier·World> and Part II <The Development of Maps and Territory>, and annotations for the illustrations. The details are summarized as follows.

A Complete Survey of the Studies of Korean Old Maps From 1990 Onward

Part I <Land·Frontier·World> consists of chapters titled: Detail Map of Korea; Regions and Maps; Territory and Frontier Defense; and the World. The contents covered respectively in each of the chapters were: the symbolic meaning of Detail Map of Korea at the most advanced stage in the development of old maps in Korea; maps related to the capital city and towns, regions and counties and prefectures, coasts and islands; maps related to frontier, castles, and gateways; and maps related to the world, East Asia, and astronomy.

Parti II <The Development of Maps and Territory> consists of chapters titled: Configuration of Territory; Land on Coordinates; Completion of Land; and Maps and Society. The contents covered respectively in each of the chapters were: a complete map of Joseon and maps by province; Maps of Korea and maps of countries and prefectures; a large-scale complete map of Joseon, and maps of Dokdo/East Sea; and the supply of various forms of maps in printed copies to meet the increasing demand for geographical information in the 19th century.

Land in Old Maps, one of the latest publications by the NAHF, is clearly distinguished from the existing atlases of old maps. It is a complete survey of the studies of Korean old maps conducted from 1990 onward. In particular, it has contents that feature the land and territory of Korea. For instance, it offers a glance into how the representation of Dokdo (Usando) in old maps has evolved over time, which is an invaluable resource for the research of sovereignty over Dokdo.

Embodies the Message of Exchange and Peace in Northeast Asia

Also impressive is the message of exchange and peace in Northeast Asia embodied in this atlas. If the map of the Korean peninsula represents the inside of the nation, the map of the world surrounding the Korean peninsula represents the nation's relationship with its neighbors. The fact that such a map was made at all is in itself proof of Korea's interaction with its neighbors. After all, it is not possible to obtain the geographic information of the surrounding world without direct or indirect interaction with it.
Furthermore, the fact that the maps or geographic books of surrounding countries influenced Korea holds great significance in social and cultural history. We can see how they accepted the external culture and perceived and understood the external world as a result of such interaction. These characteristics of old maps featured in this atlas have great implications for us in terms of exchange and cooperation in Northeast Asia today, for mutual respect and understanding is the key to solving various forms of conflicts arising recently in Northeast Asia.