Participation in the AAS Annual Conference
The Northeast Asian History Foundation (NAHF) participated in the Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference that took place at Washington D. C. between March 22 and 25 of 2018. NAHF organized a special session where presentations and discussions were carried out under the theme "Rethinking Geopolitics and Collective Identity in the Age of Ming-Qing Transition Period: A Historical Perspective" in order to develop research methodologies that can objectively approach Northeast Asian international relations and cross-examine the history of such relations from a Korean rather than a Sinocentric view. NAHF Research fellow Lee Jeong-il, Doctor Thomas Quartermain of Oxford University, Doctor Lee Sun-ae of Korea University, and Professor Park Sae-young of Leiden University presented their papers with Professor Adam Bohnet of King's University College at Western University, Ontario serving as chair. This special session provided a chance to learn international trends and suggest new directions for researching the history of Northeast Asian international relations. NAHF will continue to conduct de-Sinocentric studies on the history of Northeast Asian relations and seek ways to constantly share its research findings with experts overseas.