Korean Wave and the Development of Koreanology
The global popularity of contemporary Korean culture is a widely recognized and frequently observed phenomenon. As the Korean Wave has spread globally, perceptions of Korea and Korean culture have generally improved across various countries. For instance, there was extensive coverage in the UK media regarding the Korean Wave exhibition held at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, England. One interesting aspect of the Korean Wave is that it started with an interest in K-POP or Korean dramas, and soon developed into a broader interest in Korean culture and a desire to learn the Korean language. Today, advancements in IT have functioned, enabling younger generations to take an interest in the Korean Wave and learn Korean on their own. Moreover, there has been a significant increase in the number of young individuals aspiring to study Korea and the Korean language for academic degrees at universities. This phenomenon is not limited to the UK; it can be observed globally.
The changing perception of Korea has significantly changed the position of Koreanology within British higher education. Koreanology, which was long overshadowed by Sinology and Japanology, has now become the most popular department, attracting the largest number of students. Many universities have established Koreanology programs, and developing them has become a strategic choice where they already exist. When it comes to humanities research, the number of faculty members engaged in research activities is typically determined by the number of students in university. The Korean Wave boom and the popularity of Koreanology have changed the academic environment, not only in terms of education but also in terms of research. Universities now have the capacity to hire more research-active faculty members for existing Koreanology or establish new programs. In addition, as awareness of Korea and its role in the field has grown, in other academic field such as history, filmology, and geography, they are hiring researchers to study Korean-related topics.
Study on Koreanology in the UK
When examining Korean-related research in UK universities as a whole, it is clear that there has been an increase in the number of scholars studying Korea due to the popularity of Korean culture and the corresponding increase in student numbers. So, in what areas can we see the growth of Koreanology? The development of Koreanology follows a general trend in academia. That is to say, research trends in academia have always changed in terms of the subjects: from traditional humanities fields to social sciences and cultural studies; from pre-modern to modern times; from a heavy reliance on literary sources to various topics such as material culture, still images, and moving images. As students' interest primarily lies in contemporary Korean culture, universities have continuously developed courses in this field and hired professors whose research focuses on these topics. This trend is expected to continue in the future. In the case of SOAS University of London, it still shows a strong tendency in the humanities, including pre-modern Korean art, literature, and history. In contrast, the University of Sheffield, another university offering a bachelor's degree in Koreanology in the UK, tends to focus more on social sciences and modern Korean history.
When Supporting Koreanology, “Do Not Put All Your Eggs in One Basket”
There is skepticism that the Korean Wave will not continue, and a voice of concern that the position of Koreanology in the world will also change as a result of the diminished Korean Wave. However, it rather seems that the Korean Wave is actually spreading even more, incorporating a new area of ‘K-Culture’. Furthermore, even if the Korean Wave were to diminish, there are positive aspects to consider. Because awareness of Korea in various societies around the world, including the UK, has significantly increased compared to the past. Therefore, as long as universities offer interesting Koreanology programs, they can continue to attract many students, which would subsequently facilitate more research on Korea. However, there is one thing we should bear in mind concerning the possibility of the Korean Wave weakening.
That is, “should not put all eggs in one basket”. That means when Korean foundations or institutions make strategic investments or support activities at overseas universities, they should avoid focusing too much on contemporary Korean public culture. Because interest in the Korean Wave often leads to a much broader interest in all things Korean, as mentioned before. In conclusion, it is essential to consistently provide education and research opportunities that encompass all aspects of Korea, not just its traditions but also its contemporary facets.
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