The 2021 Jeju Forum was held at the Jeju Haevichi Hotel from June 24 to 26. We were glad to be able to hold an international conference even in the Covid-19 situation. However, we were worried about whether we could invite a panel from abroad to Korea and what to do if the situation worsened. We formed a panel in such uncertainty. Fortunately, we successfully held the conference without any major problems. So I am grateful for the hard work and heartfelt efforts of those who hosted the Jeju Forum. I want to record the things that were interesting about the forum.
The theme of the forum is 'Historical Reconciliation in Northeast Asia and Sustainable Peace – Focusing on inclusive description of history for the future'. NAHF sought to work together on what to do for sustainable peace, amid escalating historical conflicts in Northeast Asia. We pointed out that there is no common story that can cover the modern times of Northeast Asia. Above all, we considered that there was no historical imagination. The host of the NAHF session was Kim Hyun-chul, a researcher at NAHF. Park Myung-gyu examined the development of modern nationalism and announced the future prospects. Lee Hee-ok presented Korea's strategy for China, which we should have in strategic competition between the United States and China. And Jung Mi-ae, former Consul-General in Niigata, pointed out Japan's duality in the history of the empire and emphasized various approaches to improve the relationship between Korea and Japan. MA Xiaohua, who was in Japan and participated online, said that 'museum' has become a tool in the conflict between Japan and China related to the memory of war since 1990. And Japanese debater Asano Toyomi suggested that we study the national sentiments of each country jointly and coordinate them. Finally, Kim Hyun-sook, a senior researcher of NAHF, asked about practical strategies for responding to China, which provokes the area of history and culture.
On the last morning of the forum, we explored the site. The caves around the Songak Mountain, Suwol Mountain that prepared by Japan to prevent US troops during the Pacific War and the Jeju Peace Museum were main courses of exploration. The sites were either banned for safety reasons, or were closed due to Covid-19. But it was enough for us to confirm that Japan had prepared for war extensively and systematically. Prior to the geological survey, Professor Lee Young-ho(President of NAHF) said: "Jeju's geology has a unique feature that is different from that of the Korean Peninsula and Japan. To understand Jeju's history, we have to understand the geology." And he handed out document about the history of Jeju to everyone.
History is not just a physical space. It is closely related to the place where the traces of life are embedded. Professor Lee's emphasis on placement is very important in modern academic flow. This exploration has become an opportunity to actually experience its importance. I learned a lot from Professor Lee. But many stories left only traces like bubbling lava. But the traces will stay long.
동북아역사재단이 창작한 '2021년 제주포럼 참가기' 저작물은 "공공누리" 출처표시-상업적이용금지-변경금지 조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.