There were significant anniversaries and events for China in 2021. It marked the centenary of the foundation of the Communist Party of China, the 110th anniversary of the Chinese Revolution, the centenary of the birth of modern Chinese archaeology, and the adoption of the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the Past Century. In particular, 2021 is the year they declared to have successfully achieved a moderately prosperous society in celebration of the first century (the centenary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party) of the two centuries. 2021 also marks the year they start a new journey to achieve the 'Great Revival of the Chinese Nation (Chinese Dream)' by 2049 (the centenary of the foundation of a New China). On March 23rd, the Northeast Asian History Foundation ("Foundation") held a press conference for the publication of 『Source Book of Chinese Media Trends in the Second Half of 2021』 to examine the current status of 'Analysis of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in Xi Jinping's New Era.’ This article summarizes the contents into four categories: political and foreign policies, history, culture, and ethnicity.
Political and Foreign Policies
Domestically, adopting the ‘historical resolution’ at the 6th Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee drew attention. The Chinese Communist Party issued a new “historical resolution” at every turning point in history, such as in 1945, when Mao Zedong ended the anti-Japanese struggle and the communist revolution, and in 1981, when Deng Xiaoping defined the Cultural Revolution as a mistake and turned to reform and opening.
The new, third historical resolution emphasizes the “achievements” of the Chinese Communist Party and Xi Jinping rather than reflecting on the past and re-establishing lines. In particular, the party resolved to “establish Xi Jinping’s central and core position and the party's central position” and “establish a leading position for Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era (Xi Jinping Ideology).” This is to theoretically “justify” why the extension of Xi Jinping’s power is necessary and appropriate, and the third historic resolution is interpreted as a prelude to Xi Jinping’s third term in office.
Externally, China advocates “the theory of a common destiny community of humanity” and actively seeks to contribute to the stability and peaceful development of the international community, and is actively using “One Belt, One Road” as its executive platform. Because China's neo-Sino-centrism is full of hegemonism, causing friction with neighboring countries. In particular, the conflict between the USA and China, which are the G2, is intensifying. China recalls memories of competing equally with the USA in the past, such as 'anti-American aid' and stimulating nationalism of 'anti-Americanism' and 'patriotism.'
History Policies
China emphasizes establishing a history that simultaneously reinforces the ‘Community Theory of the Chinese People’ and the ‘Community of Common Destiny for Mankind,’ an extension of the Chinese order, which is the establishment of a ‘Chinese History of the New Era.’ Chinese History of the New Era means establishing a Chinese Marxist history that organically combines materialist views of history and Chinese traditional history apart from historical nihilism that defines and criticizes the Communist Party's revolution and the history of New China as a failure.
Specifically, it means that it is necessary to break away from the perspective of Western-centric historical research and establish China's own academic system by establishing cultural confidence in China's history and culture and broadly promoting China's excellent traditional culture.
However, in the course of implementation, they are making mistakes, such as constructing the image of China as a non-Western powerhouse and treating the history of neighboring countries as that of China's subject states or of China, causing historical issues with neighboring countries such as Korea.
Culture Policies
Xi Jinping emphasizes that China should strengthen “cultural confidence” in “socialist culture with Chinese characteristics” and build a “socialist cultural powerhouse” to increase its influence in the international community. On this basis, China is domestically implementing cultural governance based on patriotism by overcoming cultural nihilism (the negation of the Communist revolutionary culture and socialist culture) and strengthening the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics (traditional culture + Marxism). In particular, they are emphasizing ‘excellent traditional Chinese culture’ and red culture (revolutionary culture). Outside of China, they are trying to build a Sino-centric international order by spreading Chinese-style reasoning to the world. However, due to cultural nationalism based on the theory of dissemination, the debate over cultural originality is intensifying between Korea and China.
Ethnic Policies
China claims that the “community consciousness of the Chinese people” was formed from a very early period and proves that China was a “pluralistic, unified, and multi-ethnic nation.” Regarding the northern region of China, they are putting spurs to the work of incorporating the various countries and races that existed in the north as part of the Chinese nation through the publication of the 『History of Ancient Northern Peoples of China』 and the strengthening of the logic of 'Changbai Mountain Cultural Theory.' In this process, the Korean-Chinese in Northeast China became people originating from China and not Korea. At the same time, China intends to inscribe Baekdusan Mountain as its own in the list of UNESCO World Natural Heritages.
China will push forward with “the Great Revival of the Chinese Nation (Chinese Dream)” more fiercely. The current friction with neighboring countries, mainly Korea, will not disappear soon. China constantly emphasizes mutual respect and friendly relations. Still, if the 'cultural powerhouse' that they advocate heads toward chauvinism, it will lead to frequent historical conflicts and cultural frictions, especially in relations with Korea.
동북아역사재단이 창작한 '두 번째 백년을 준비하는 시진핑 정권' 저작물은 "공공누리" 출처표시-상업적이용금지-변경금지 조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.