How did Koguryo people create the polka-dot patterned coat in the Muyongchong?
The polka-dot patterns can be found in various garments such as jackets, pants, overcoats, and skirts worn by numerous figures, including dancers, depicted in the Muyongchong mural painting. The male dancers in Muyongchong wear jackets and pants with polka-dot patterns, dancing. The female dancers also wear long-sleeved coats with polka-dot patterns, dancing. Not only that, but also the host welcoming the guests, as well as the servants and maids attending their duties, are dressed in polka-dot patterns.
Currently, the Tungusic people reside in the land of Koguryo. They make polka-dot patterned coat by stitching together polka-dot patterns found in parts such as the Formosan deer motifs. Perhaps within their costumes, we may find the key to unraveling the secret of the Koguryo's polka-dot patterned coats.
동북아역사재단이 창작한 '무용총 물방울 문양 코트는 어떻게 만들었을까?' 저작물은 "공공누리" 출처표시-상업적이용금지-변경금지 조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.