Why Korea-Japan Joint Historical Research?
Under the initiative of President Yoon Sukyeol and the proactive response of Prime Minister Kishida Fumio, the once-frozen relations between Korea and Japan are rapidly improving. In order to continue fostering a friendly and cooperative atmosphere between Korea and Japan, it is necessary to promote historical reconciliation together. Given that conflicts over historical issues have been a significant cause of deteriorating Korea-Japan relations, historical reconciliation can be seen as the most crucial task and challenge in enhancing bilateral ties.
Historical reconciliation refers to the process of ending conflicts and disputes over historical issues and establishing a friendly relationship. Its ultimate goal is to help both governments and their citizens form a sense of unity by alleviating hostility and distrust and building mutual respect and trust. Consequently, joint research and mutual understanding of historical issues are essential for historical reconciliation.
Korea and Japan have already established and operated the Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee twice. I believe that Korea and Japan should look for wisdom and learn a lesson from the experience of the Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee in order to continuously improve relations and achieve reconciliation. The Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee was a joint research organization on Korea-Japan relations history, officially supported and operated by the two governments in accordance with the agreement of the leaders of Korea and Japan(1st term: May 2002-May, 2005, 2nd term: June, 2007-December, 2009). Its role was to help improve historical awareness and historical education in both countries by facilitating collaborative research and debates on historical issues from ancient times to the present between Korean and Japanese scholars and publishing reports.
Although the committee produced a vast amount of outcomes in a short period of time, many people have criticized the committee for its lack of contribution to overcoming historical conflicts between Korea and Japan due to the lack of impact. However, there is no doubt that joint historical research is a crucial approach in alleviating conflicts and confrontations in historical perceptions through academic and human exchanges. As one of the leaders of the Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee, I would like to share some of my thoughts based on my experience.
Background of the Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee
There are conflicts over historical perceptions behind the establishment of the Joint History Research Committee by the governments of Korea and Japan. Despite achieving normalization of diplomatic relations in 1965, the two countries have been unable to reconcile the discrepancy in opinions on the legality, illegality, justice, validity, and invalidity of the so-called ‘Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty’ signed in 1910, leading to ongoing conflicts. These clashes in historical perceptions have sometimes spilled over into political or diplomatic issues, severely damaging bilateral relations.
For instance, South Korea and Japan clashed in 1982 over Japan’s history textbooks that disregarded and distorted Korean history. The Japanese government introduced the ‘Neighboring Countries Clause’ in November of the same year, which promised to take into account the historical perceptions of neighboring countries during the curriculum review of modern history textbooks, to address the controversy. However, the textbook issue became more serious when the Japanese government approved ‘New History Textbook’ for middle schools in March 2001 and March 2005, which contradicted the Korean historical perception regarding Japan's colonial rule.
Moreover, conflicting historical perceptions between Korea and Japan also extended to the handling of ‘past affairs’ caused by colonial rule. Diplomatic negotiations, as well as civilian movements and uproar, have taken place between the two countries over apologies, introspection, and compensation for Korean atomic bomb survivors, Koreans remaining in Sakhalin, Japanese military ‘comfort women’, and victims of forced and conscripted labor. There were few signs of improvement in the situation, even in the front and the rear of 2000s. Furthermore, Korea and Japan clashed over events such as visits to Yasukuni Shrine by Japanese government officials, Japan’s claim to Dokdo’s sovereignty, and remarks whitewashing colonial rule. The deep-rooted skepticism of Koreans towards Japanese historical perceptions is so serious that it is enough to hinder mutual exchange and cooperation. The situation has continued, and Japan must take it seriously.
However, the establishment of the Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee was paradoxically an event that demonstrated an improvement in Japanese historical perceptions. An opportunity for Japan was provided to listen to Korean historical perceptions and introspect itself. From 1965 to the late 1980s, the views of Japanese prime ministers regarding colonial rule were limited to ‘expressing regret for the unfortunate period of Korea-Japan relations’. Since 1993, however, Japanese prime ministers have shifted to ‘acknowledging the historical fact that colonial rule had caused extensive damage and suffering, and expressing sincere introspection and heartfelt apologies’. The above remarks by the Japanese prime ministers have become the official view of the Japanese government through the Kim Youngsam-Hosokawa summit (Nov. 7, 1993), the statement of prime minister Murayama(Aug. 15, 1995), the Kim Daejung-Obuchi joint declaration(Oct. 8, 1998), and the statement of Japanese Prime Minister Kan Naoto(Aug. 10, 2010). The statement of the prime minister went as far as mentioning the coerciveness of colonial rule.
The establishment of the Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee during the Kim Daejung government was possible because a basis for frank discussion on historical perceptions between Korea and Japan was already established. I will address this point later. The background behind the changing Japanese historical perceptions and the establishment of the Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee lies in over a decade of accumulated civilian historical dialogues.
Since the 1980s, various Korean private organizations, such as the Korean History Education Society, the Korea-Japan Cultural Foundation, Korean Educational Development Institute, Korea-Japan History Textbook Research Association, International Textbook Research Institute, University of Seoul, the Korea-Japan Historical Society, Korea-Japan History Education Exchange Association, Asia Peace & History Education Network, and others, have continued to hold presentations and discussions on historical perceptions with various Japanese private organizations, such as Joetsu University of Education, Japan-Korea History Textbook Research Association, International Education Information Center, Tokyo Gakugei University, Comparative History Education Society, Japan-Korea History Education Exchange Association, and others. They mainly focused on topics such as the description of history in textbooks and history lessons. The civilian history dialogues between Korea and Japan have contributed to identifying differences and issues in historical perceptions, and promoting mutual understanding and exchanges in historical research and historical education. It also played a role in spreading similar historical dialogues both domestically and internationally. Through this process, Korea and Japan built networks among researchers and educators, accumulated know-how in historical dialogues, and published shared history textbooks. The private historical dialogues were also publicized by the government and society through the mass media, sparking interest. I believe that this historical background between Korea and Japan is the reason why the Joint History Research Committee, supported by the two governments, could be established.
The Occasion for the Establishment of the Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee
- Kim Daejung-Obuchi Joint Declaration(October 1998)
The joint declaration on a ‘New Korea-Japan Partnership for the 21st Century’ issued by President Kim Daejung and Prime Minister Obuchi Keizo during his visit to Japan, was a significant occasion for the establishment of the Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee. The joint declaration includes the following passage:
“Looking back on the bilateral relations between Korea and Japan in this century, Prime Minister Obuchi sincerely accepted the historical fact that Japan had caused significant damage and suffering to the Korean people through its past colonial rule. He expressed sincere introspection and offered a heartfelt apology for it. President Kim Daejung, with his own evaluation, took this expression of historical recognition by Prime Minister Obuchi seriously and expressed that it is the need of the hour for the two countries to overcome the unfortunate history of the past and make mutual efforts to develop a future-oriented relationship based on reconciliation and friendly cooperation. The two leaders also shared the view that it is essential for the people of both countries, especially the younger generation, to deepen their understanding of history. They emphasized the need for considerable attention and efforts towards achieving this goal.”
In short, the declaration conveyed the message that Japan acknowledges and apologizes sincerely for its colonial rule, while Korea accepts and evaluates this expression. Both nations are working together to pioneer a future of friendship and cooperation. With the foundation laid for sharing historical perceptions, it is evident that the start of joint research also gained momentum.
Another important message from the joint declaration is that Korea and Japan commit to respect each other’s efforts and development, and to enhancing exchange and understanding based on liberal democracy and market economy. Pay attention to the following passage:
“The two leaders shared their recognition that Korea and Japan, through their long history of exchange and cooperation, have developed friendly and cooperative relations in various fields since the normalization of diplomatic relations in 1965, and that this cooperation has contributed to each other’s development. Prime Minister Obuchi expressed admiration for Korea’s remarkable progress and democratization achieved through the steady efforts of its people, as well as its growth into a prosperous and mature democratic nation.
President Kim Daejung highly praised Japan for its role in promoting peace and prosperity in the international community since the post-war period through its security policies, including the exclusively defensive posture and three non-nuclear principles under the peace constitution, and its economic support for the global economy and developing countries. The two leaders of both countries declared their resolution to further develop the cooperative relationship based on the universal ideals of liberal democracy and the market economy through extensive exchanges and mutual understanding between their citizens.”
The reconciliation between Korea and Japan takes place while respecting and inheriting the shared history they have cultivated together. The courage and determination shown by the leaders of both countries in establishing sound historical perceptions may pave the way for the initiation of the Joint History Research Committee.
The Evaluation of the Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee
The Japanese government opened the Japan center for Asia historical records and supported historical dialogue with Korea as one of the methods to implement Prime Minister Murayama’s statement. In this atmosphere, the Korea-Japan Joint Committee for Historical Research and Promotion(1997-1999) and the Korea-Japan Historians Conference(2001-2023) were operated in accordance with the agreement of the 1996 Korea-Japan summit. These committees eventually became the foundation for the establishment of the Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee.
In response to the agreement on joint historical research of Korea-Japan relations history at the summit(October 2001), the Korea-Japan Joint Committee for Supporting the Promotion of Historical Research was established(March 2002). The committee was established to support not only joint historical research but also historian conferences, various academic exchanges, the Korea-Japan Exchange Program for the New Century, and the Korea-Japan Peace and Friendship Exchange Plan. The committee held regular meetings once or twice a year to discuss the purpose and direction of joint historical research. Six people were appointed from each of the two countries as committee members and I was one of them.
The first term of the Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee consisted of one chairman and ten research members each of the two countries(three for ancient history, three for late medieval history, and four for modern and contemporary history). Over the course of three years, the committee conducted research and discussions on 19 topics and published six volumes of reports. The mutual relationship between Korea and Japan were relatively stable, thanks to joint hosting of the World Cup in 2002 and the Korean Wave boom in Japan. However, the relationship soon deteriorated rapidly. Prime Minister Koizumi continued to visit the Yasukuni Shrine annually. The Japanese government reapproved the ‘New History Textbook’ during middle school curriculum review(March 2005), and Shimane Prefecture enacted a ‘Takeshima Day’ ordinance(February 2005). President Roh Moohyun strongly opposed these actions by delivering a special statement on Korea-Japan relations(March 2005). The two leaders of both countries agreed to resume the joint historical research as a means of alleviating historical conflicts(June 2005).
Korea and Japan exchanged an agreement on the plan for the second term of the Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee(October 27, 2005). The main content of the agreement was to identify commonalities and differences, and to deepen mutual understanding and perception through conducting joint investigations and research on areas where there were differences in interpretations of Korea-Japan relations and middle school affairs. The agreement also included a clause stating that the committee would submit its research results to the support committee to able to distribute them to the governments, relevant organizations, and individuals of both countries, as well as to use them in editing textbooks. The second term of the Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee was consisted of one chairman and 16 research members each of the two countries(three for ancient history, three for late medieval history, four for modern and contemporary history, and six for textbook committee). Over three years, they conducted research and discussions on 24 topics, and published seven volumes of reports.
The two rounds of the Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee achieved remarkable results in deepening research on Korea-Japan relations, identifying differences and commonalities, cultivating researchers, and accumulating their capabilities, and establishing interpersonal exchange networks. In particular, with full support from the Ministry of Education for the establishment of a separate office, Korea has produced substantial outcomes by publishing numerous research papers and compilations, in addition to the official reports.
Another significant achievement was the enhancement of the external credibility of Korea and Japan. Many countries around the world have perceived Korea and Japan as two countries that repeatedly entangle in conflicts and confrontations over historical issues, while sharing liberal democracy and market economies. However, the joint history research contributed to elevating their awareness and credibility by showing the world that the two countries are working together to overcome historical issues. This aspect is often overlooked, and I believe we need to actively recognize its significance in the future.
Nevertheless, there are many aspects of the joint historical research that need to be modified and improved. Firstly, the lack of transparency in sharing research progress and the excessively casual handling of research outcomes limited public interest and understanding. Too much is not always good. In addition, by the time the joint historical research was concluded, the historical confrontation between the two governments and their respective citizens intensified, undermining the perceived necessity and effectiveness of the joint historical research. The phenomenon of politics overshadowing history was repeated. The methods and objectives of joint historical research also need to be improved. These include creating jointly usable compilations and adopting recommendations for reference in writing textbooks or prospectuses.
Hoping to use the joint historical research as a stepping stone towards historical reconciliation
Joint historical research can be utilized as a device to alleviate historical conflicts and facilitate healing. Moreover, it can serve as an essential ritual in achieving historical reconciliation. In order for the Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee to fulfill these functions, it is necessary to improve its composition, selection of members, and operation to ensure its continuous effectiveness. Germany and France have been engaged in historical dialogues for more than 70 years, and Germany and Poland for more than 50 years, forming the European Community today. Compared to this, the second term of the Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee about ten years, could be seen as being in its infancy.
Now, when relations between Korea and Japan have dramatically improved, it is the time to resume the joint historical research. Mutual approach to historical perception and understanding is indispensable in order to sustain their mutual prosperity, based on shared universal values such as democracy and market economies. In such a friendly atmosphere, resuming the Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee is a cost-effective initiative with benefits far outweighing the investment. I look forward to the efforts of the Yoon Sukyeol government and the Northeast Asian History Foundation.
• 『Korea-Japan Joint History Research Report』, Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee, 2005, 1 - 6.
• 『Korea-Japan Joint History Research Report』, Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee, 2009, 1 - 7.
• 『History Conflicts and Historical Dialogue between Korea and Japan』, Jung Jaejung, National Museum of Korean Contemporary History, 2014
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