The Foundation's News




<NAHF’s position on the Industrial Heritage Information Center in Japan>


On March 12, NAHF strongly urged the Japanese government to specify forced mobilization and forced labor in the Industrial Heritage Information Center to be built in Tokyo. This Industrial Heritage Information Center reflects the recommendation to establish an interpretation strategy to understand the whole history when part of the modern industrial facilities in Japan was listed as a World Heritage Site in the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in July 2015.

At that time, the Japanese government promised to take measures to honor the victims, such as the establishment of an information center, to understand that Koreans were mobilized against their will, forced to work under harsh conditions. However, the Japanese government said it plans to establish an industrial heritage information center by March 2020, without revealing specific plans for fulfilling its promise in State of Conservation Report submitted in 2019.

Therefore, NAHF urged the Industrial Heritage Information Center to properly record the historical facts of forced mobilization and forced labor as promised to the international community and take measures to honor the victims.







<The Final Selection of "Citizens' Organization Support Project" in 2020>


On March 9, NAHF selected 29 candidates for the 2020 "Citizens' Organization Support Project". The project established the right history for the purpose of NAHF's establishment and was based on the foundation of peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia, which has supported more organizations than last year. NAHF will give various news about Northeast Asian history and Dokdo-related civil society through the 'Citizen Society' corner in NAHF newsletter in order to actively communicate with civic groups.











<Online Teacher Training: ‘New’ Cyber Dokdo Classroom>


Since 2011, NAHF has been operating a ‘New’ Cyber ​​Dokdo Classroom to provide teachers across the country with knowledge and information necessary for Dokdo education. The contents are composed of 15 classes to learn about Dokdo in terms of history, geography, and international law. It can be learned through the website of the Central Education Training Center (https://www.neti.go.kr) and the Education Training Center of each provincial office of education.









<Territory and SeasVol.19 Requests to publish a paper>


Territory and Seasis a specialized journal published by NAHF for the purpose of protecting the sovereignty of Dokdo and spreading the ‘East Sea’ notation, and is published twice a year (June 30 and December 31 every year) by collecting papers in the territorial and marine fields. So NAHF asks for publication of the paper in Territory and SeasVol.19, please refer to the details below.


(1) Deadline and Date of publication

- Papers to be published: Vol.19

Deadline: April 19, 2020

Published: June 30, 2020


(2) The subject of the paper

- Research Papers : A Study on History, Geography, International Law, and Social Sciences on the Territorial and Marine Issues including Dokdo and East Sea Notation

- Book reviews, descriptions of historical materials


(3) Review of papers

- Determine whether to publish it through a rigorous examination by the judging committee, and pay the manuscript fee(1 million won) for the published papers


(4) Submission of paper

- NAHF Online Papers Submission and Review System(JAMS: https://nahf.jams.or.kr) Submits Papers After Subscribing as Online Member


(5) Notes

- For more information, see Notice on NAHF website

