한일회담 외교문서로 본 한일관계
Japan's apology for colonial rule: its undisclosed story
  • Cho Yoon-soo, Research Fellow of Institute on Korea-Japan Historical Issues at NAHF

Conflicts in Recognition of Colonial Rule


Recently, a ruling against the former was controversial in the damages lawsuit for forced mobilization. The starting point is the Korea-Japan Agreement. The provisions of the Korea-Japan Agreement did not include the illegality of colonial rule. The Japanese government has apologized for colonial rule. It's not recorded in the document.


In 1964, the movement against the Korea-Japan talks expanded nationwide. Due to such a domestic political situation, the talks were suspended for a while. Then, in December of the same year, the seventh round of talks resumed. After the preliminary talks in 1951, the talks that did not end for 14 years were about to be concluded. Kim Dong-jo, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to the Japan, planned for Shiina Etususauro to visit Korea. The Korean government expected that if Shiina visited Korea and apologized for Japan's colonial rule, opposition to the Korea-Japan talks in Korea would be softened.


Maeda Toshiichi(The Japanese Ambassador to Korea, 1981~1984), who was sent to Korea as a research officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in January 1965, reported to his home country in a strong tone. “If Shiina does not apologize, it will backfire even if he comes to Korea. And that act left Korean with a lot of hard feelings.” The Korean media reported news and editorials that Japan should apologize for its past history in order to conclude the Korea-Japan talks. The Korean government also recognized that it should create an atmosphere for the conclusion of the talks.


Maeda knew how hard it was for Koreans to endure colonial rule and what the atmosphere in Korea was. So he thought it was his mission to convey the atmosphere of Korea to his home country. The Japanese government responded negatively to the need for Shiina's visit to Korea after receiving Maeda's telegram. And when Maeda insisted that Japan should apologize for colonial rule, the Japanese government said that there was no reason to say. These are evident in the memoirs of Foreign Minister Lee Dong-won.



What made it possible to apologize?


Throughout the Korea-Japan talks, differences in the perception of colonial rule between the two countries were expressed. But this was not the subject of the talks. The question of whether colonial rule is legal or illegal was dealt directly or indirectly during the talks. Korea claimed that colonial rule was illegal and invalid from the beginning, as the Korea-Japan Annexation Treaty of 1910 was signed by Japanese coercion and illegality. However, Japan insisted, "It is a legally signed treaty and colonial rule is legal." Korea is in a position to compensate for all the damage caused by 35 years of colonial rule. On the other hand, Japan says it has no liability for compensation for Korea. Under these circumstances, Shiina visited Korea. The Japanese government was very conscious of opposition parties and public opinion. For this reason, they tried to avoid the controversy that would happen after apologizing for colonial rule.


However, not only Maeda but also the United States sent the opinion to Japan that ‘mention for colonial rule is necessary’. After agonizing, the Japanese Foreign Ministry decided to put the expression "We regret that there has been an unfortunate period". And they sent Maeda a statement to be presented by Shiina. Maeda was depressed by translating it. So he said to himself: “Did I expect too much? It would be hard to expect good results if the Foreign Minister came to Korea.” Then it was the night of February 16, a day before Shiina's visit to Korea. The Foreign Ministry called Maeda, saying that the statement contained the phrase ‘reflect deeply’. Maeda, who received the call, said, "I was very pleased and revised the translation."


The phrase seems to have been corrected by Shiina himself. Shiina's mindset was like this, according to Ushiroku Torao(the Japanese Ambassador to Korea, 1972~1975).: “I will take anything actively, if that helps to reconcile the feelings between Korea and Japan.” Shiina thought it better to express it more directly. So he modified it to 'regret' and 'reflect deeply'.



The beginning of the historical reconciliation between Korea and Japan


Shiina arrived in Seoul on February 17. He issued a statement that included: “We regret that there has been an unfortunate period of long history between the two countries, and we reflect deeply.” This was the first apology by the Japanese government for colonial rule. Maeda said that he deliberately spoke out of 'we reflect deeply' when interpreting a statement at Gimpo Airport. He said that the word 'reflect' played a big role in signing the Korea-Japan talks, even though it did not change the atmosphere of Korea. And on the day when Shiina's visit to Korea ended, he said his emotions were full and tears flowed. From the standpoint of Korea, Japan's apology would have been very lacking in content, expression method and depth. However, it is an episode that can be guessed that there was a lot of difficulty in expressing that. On February 24, 1965, Shiina spoke clearly at the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives in Japan. The statement he issued in Korea was a reflection on the injustice of colonial rule.



“Please understand that it means a resolution to reflect deeply on the fact that there was an unfortunate period between Japan and Korea in the past and to build a future friendly relationship. I think it is not justified for one nation to dominate another with a historical and cultural tradition. It’s the same in terms of controlled people’s national sentiment, and also in terms of international politics.”


There is an evaluation of Shiina's remarks as a political gesture for the conclusion of the Korea-Japan talks. But his remarks show that Japan tried to do the normalization of diplomatic relations on the basis of apology and reflection on colonial rule. If there was a phrase in the first text that colonial rule was illegal, the controversy surrounding Japan's attitude would have been resolved. However, in Japan, the perception that colonial rule was legal and legitimate was common. Shiina's remarks from such a situation were the origin of the 1995 Murayama Statement, which expressed apology and reflection on colonial rule and invasion war.


This article was written by referring to the memoirs released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.


- ‘The relationship between Japan and Korea, and me’ by Maeda, a traitor

- Retrospect on the Negotiation between Japan and Korea - Memories of the Foreign Minister Shiina

- ReminiscenceS on the Negotiation between Japan and Korea(Ushiroku Dorao)

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