Dongnae Magistrate, who is hosting a banquet to welcome Japanese envoys
After the Japanese invasion of Korea, exchanges between Korea and Japan were conducted through the exchange of diplomatic envoys. Joseon dispatched communications envoy to Japan 12 times. The envoys from Japan to Korea were welcomed by the Dongnae Magistrate of the Busan area and given a banquet at banquet hall for state guest. The manner in which the envoys were welcomed and honored is well depicted in the 「Dongnae Magistrate Welcoming Japanese Envoys」 painting. The two countries, Joseon and Japan basically sought the path of ‘sincere trust’ through consistent meetings. The process of historical reconciliation, which resolves conflicts and disputes between Korea and Japan over historical issues and establishes a friendly relationship, follow a similar path. The way to reach historical reconciliation may lie in alleviating accumulated distrust and building trust based on mutual understanding through continuous meetings.
동북아역사재단이 창작한 '일본 사신을 맞아 연회를 베푸는 동래부사' 저작물은 "공공누리" 출처표시-상업적이용금지-변경금지 조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.