
Training for teachers on the subject of East Asian History


Training for Training for teachers on the subject of East Asian Historyteachers on the subject of East Asian HistoryTraining for Training for teachers on the subject of East Asian Historyteachers on the subject of East Asian HistoryTraining for Training for teachers on the subject of East Asian Historyteachers on the subject of East Asian History

NAHF conducted real-time interactive training for teachers(the basic course). This training program is designed to help secondary teachers understand East Asian history and to improve their expertise in teaching subjects. The theme of the basic course was 'Understanding the subject of East Asian history'. A total of 60 people, including the first member(9.5, 9.12, 9.13, 15 hours) and the second member(9.19, 9.26, 9.27, 15 hours) completed the training.

In addition, from October to November, training will be conducted for secondary school teachers who teach social studies subjects(special course). The theme of the lecture in which the first member participates is 'Knowing Vietnam and neighboring countries in East Asia'(10.17, 10.24, 10.31, 18 hours), and the theme of the lecture in which The second member participates is 'Understanding Modern China'(11.14, 11.21, 11.28, 18 hours). Under the COVID-19 guidelines, these lectures will also be conducted online.



Reading Educational Books to Resolve Questions about Northeast Asian History Issues

<The 2nd Book Review Contest on Educational Books on the History of Northeast Asia>


Reading Educational Books to Resolve Questions about Northeast Asian History Issues

NAHF held contests to promote reading of history-related books and to encourage interest in Northeast Asian history issues. This contest was held for the second time since last year, and from August 3 to September 6, 200 book reviews were submitted with the interest of citizens.

The book review will be awarded with four Grand Prize winners, eight Excellence Prize winners, and 14 Participation Prize winners for each adult division and youth division.(It may not be awarded according to the results of the examination.) We hope that this contest will be an opportunity to promote the Educational Books published by NAHF and that people will have a lot of interest in Northeast Asian history.



Seminar co-organized by NAHF and The Society for East Sea

<The 26th International Seminar on Sea Names>    

<The 26th International Seminar on Sea Names><The 26th International Seminar on Sea Names>

NAHF hosted an <The 26th International Seminar on Sea Names> at the Seamark Hotel with The Society for East Sea on 1819 September. The purpose of this seminar is to spread the Sea Name, which is called 'East Sea', to the international community, and it is an annual academic event held with experts and related scholars in the field of geographic names in each country. This year's theme was 'Geographical Naming in the Digital Era', and five overseas scholars were able to participate in real time through online platforms.

The development of digital technology and the spread of mobile devices have a great influence on the environment using geographic names and the production of maps. In this seminar, we sought how to utilize these changes to resolve the old conflict over "how to mark the East Sea waters".

Joseph Stoltmann(Professor of University of West Michigan, former president of the American Geographical Teachers Association) has announced how the notation of the geographic name under digital technology can contribute to historical and geopolitical discourse, especially the proposal to write the East Sea and the Sea of Japan together side-by-side. In addition, Gerry O'Reilly(Professor of Dublin City University, Political Geographer) presented the process of changing the way the East Sea waters are written on digital, and the future direction. Kim Yeong-hun(Professor of the Korea National University of Education) has presented the specificity of a geographical name that can contribute to solving issues about the mark of the East Sea in the digital age. In addition, Cho Tae-young(Secretary General of NAHF), Joo Sung-jae(President of the Society for East Sea), Park No-hyung(Professor of Korea University School of Law), Jung Jae-jeong(Emeritus Professor of University of Seoul), Yoo Ui-sang(former Ambassador for Geographic Naming), and Japanese journalists in Korea participated as presenters and panelists.

In this regard, the proposal of 'write the East Sea and the Sea of Japan together side-by-side', which is receiving the response of the world, seems to be a new turning point.