The Foundation's News

NAHF's Dokdo Museum Seoul-Yeongdeungpo-gu 

Signs MOU for Expansion and Relocate


NAHF's Dokdo Museum Seoul-Yeongdeungpo-gu   Signs MOU for Expansion and RelocateNAHF's Dokdo Museum Seoul-Yeongdeungpo-gu   Signs MOU for Expansion and Relocate

NAHF signed an MOU with Yeongdeungpo-gu on April 19 for the expansion and relocation project of Dokdo Museum Seoul. Under the agreement, Yeongdeungpo-gu will provide 1,310of land in Times Square free of charge. The Ministry of Education and NAHF will secure national trade of 4 billion won in 2021 and promote the transfer of Dokdo Museum Seoul.


The floating population of Times Square is more than 250,000 people a day, and is located 5 minutes walk from Yeongdeungpo Station. We expect more than 500,000 people a year to visit the Dokdo Museum Seoul(The average number of visitors per year is 40,000). Once the relocation of the Dokdo Museum to Seoul is completed, students, citizens and foreigners will have a chance to visit Dokdo in daily life and have a high quality education on Dokdo. We will have various experience-oriented facilities that incorporate advanced multimedia technology in response to the changing educational environment. And we plan to create a participatory experience space where people can enjoy Dokdo with fun, away from viewing-oriented education.


The site is expected to have a higher educational and public relations effect in the future. This is because industrial heritage preservation type regeneration project for Daesun Flour Mills('21~), the passing of the Yeongdeungpo area maintenance plan('21~), and opening of the second exhibition hall of Sejong Cultural Center('25) are also being promoted in surrounding area. NAHF plans to accelerate the transfer of Dokdo Museum Seoul with the signing of MOU. The Dokdo Museum Seoul is scheduled to open in August and officially open in October. So the Dokdo Museum Seoul in Seodaemun-gu will be open until October.



NAHF-University of Seoul | Lifelong Education Center

The 6th History Academy for Citizen

      NAHF-University of Seoul | Lifelong Education Center  The 6th History Academy for Citizen      NAHF-University of Seoul | Lifelong Education Center  The 6th History Academy for Citizen      NAHF-University of Seoul | Lifelong Education Center  The 6th History Academy for Citizen

NAHF operates the ‘6th History Academy for Citizen' in the first half of 2021 with University of Seoul Lifelong Education Center. This is for the right understanding of East Asian history issues, Dokdo, and the spread of correct historical awareness. Education will be on YouTube from 14:00 to 16:00 every Monday on April 19th and 26th.

This course is open to all citizens. The theme is 'The 30 scanes of Dokdo in Korea', which is taught by experts in the field. The first lecture(April 19, Hong Sung-geun, a researcher) teaches the history of Dokdo, and the second lecture(April 26, Kim Jong-geun, a researcher) teaches the Korean, Japanese and Western maps. The 6th History Academy for Citizen is broadcast live on YouTube considering situation that it is difficult to conduct face-to-face education due to Covid-19, and tuition is free. Attendance to all courses will award a certificate of NAHF.



The 2nd Online Supporters' Ceremony of Disbanding

The 2nd Online Supporters' Ceremony of Disbanding

The ceremony to disbanding of 2020 Online Supporters, which was delayed due to Covid-19, was held on April 15. The ceremony was held in the form of a meeting attended by online supporters and a small number of NAHF employees. Online supporters Kim Sung-kyung, Sun Ji-hyun and Jung Jun-young, who were selected in 2020, have been promoting various activities for about 8 months, including production of history-related contents, planning of video on YouTube, history tour, 1 day internship.


At the meeting, we shared the review of the activities, similar activities of other organizations, and improvement plans. Jung Jun-young said, “My activities have attracted a lot of interest in recruiting online supporters. NAHF supporters have a speciality in activities related to history.” After the ceremony, they appeared in a review video about the activity. The video can be seen on NAHF's YouTube channel.

OPEN 공공누리 - 공공저작물 자유이용 허락(출처표시 - 상업적이용금지 - 변경금지)

동북아역사재단이 창작한 '재단 뉴스' 저작물은 "공공누리" 출처표시-상업적이용금지-변경금지 조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.