New Perspective in the Study of Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592
  • Interview | Lee Jeong-il, Researcher at the Research Institute of Ancient and Medieval History of Korea


Professor Peter A. Lorge

I met Professor Peter A. Lorge of Vanderbilt University, who chaired the panel on the Japanese Invasions of Korea titled 'The Imjin War: Manpower, Weapon, and Logistics in Early Modern East Asia Revisited' to hear his advice on the international academic trends and the direction for studies on the Japanese Invasions of Korea in 1592. However, the interview was conducted online because the professor's visit to Korea was canceled as he was diagnosed with COVID-19. (August 11, 2022)


Professor Peter A. Lorge

He majored in pre-modern Chinese military history and is currently lecturing at Vanderbilt University. Major publications include The Beginner's Guide to Imperial China (2021), The Asian Military Revolution From Gunpowder to the Bomb (2008), and  War, Politics, and Society in Early Modern China (2005). Two volumes on pre-modern Chinese history materials will be published in the future.



Lee Jeong-il: Hello. Professor Peter Lorge! It is an honor to have an expert in pre-modern Chinese military history from European and American academics at the Northeast Asian History Foundation. Thank you again for attending the NAHF Annual Conference. Have you ever been to Korea? We would appreciate it if you could tell us your impressions of Korea.

Peter Lorge: My first visit to Korea was in 1989. I participated in a Taekwondo competition following my Taekwondo instructor. I think Korea at that time was very different from what it is today. I admire the dynamic changes in Korea.

Lee Jeong-il: How did you come to study pre-modern Chinese military history? It probably was not a popular topic when you started.



Peter Lorge: I don't think it's a universal research topic even now. Come to think of it, I was very interested in the Art of War when I was young. I naturally became curious about Asian martial arts, which led to my interest in the history of Asian martial arts. Eventually, I became interested in military history, and it became my major.

Lee Jeong-il: I see. Can you briefly tell us how American academia currently views pre-modern East Asian military history?

Peter Lorge: Next year will mark the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Military History Society. Currently, about 200 members are active, and academic journals are published. Japanese military history seems to be very stagnant compared to Chinese military history. In the case of Korean military history, the Japanese Invasions of Korea of 1592 and the Korean War seem to be the hottest topics. I know that studying the Japanese Invasions of Korea of 1592 has been very difficult because only a few people specialize in this topic. I wished for opportunities to learn more about Korea's history, military history, and Korea's pre-modern history this time. It is a shame that I couldnt make it because of COVID-19. The popularity of Korean history and culture is growing in the United States nowadays. Take my school, for instance. There is a Korean Studies program. Modern and contemporary times by period and culture by field are quite popular. One interesting thing is that Korean students in my class did not seem to know much about Korean history, especially pre-modern Korean history. Korean studies in the United States are centered on modern and contemporary Korean history. I thought it was similar in Korea. I would like to know more about Korean history before the 19th century, namely pre-modern Korean history.




Lee Jeong-il: Like you said, knowing the history of pre-modern Korea will not only help you understand pre-modern East Asia but will also help you understand East Asia in general. Moreso if we assume that Korean history is also an essential link for interactions in East Asian history. How do you see the Japanese Invasions of Korea of 1592 from this perspective?

Peter Lorge: During the Japanese Invasions of Korea, Japan used firearms, and Joseon and Ming China also used firearms. It is discussed in my second book. As Western academia has been focusing on the powerful countries in the study of war history, including the Cold War, I think there is a tendency to put aside countries that were not powerful. I think this is wrong for two reasons. First, it is wrong to ignore countries that were not great powers. Second, the war has an aspect of interaction that has been overlooked. These errors have been repeated in the study of the Japanese Invasions of Korea of 1592 and the Korean War.

In the case of the Japanese Invasions of Korea, it seems that only China and Japan are emphasized. In other words, the research focused only on China or Japan, which is one of the fundamental errors. The same structural problem-centrism exists in Western academia. I teach a class on Western war history, and it is based on Western military history; Chinese military history is always the otherized. In terms of Western military history, I was an expert in non-Western military history. I had a habit of looking at Chinese military history that way, and I sometimes had the impression that my research was limited. I thought military history was the most open field in historical studies, but even those who study military history were often very Euro-centric.

Even when Western academia declares that they conduct research from an international historical viewpoint, they always talk about modern history. I don't want to get into the pre-modern era, but I think it's because Europe wasn't a great power then. It's contradictory. People in the West always say they are interested in war history in non-Western regions, but if you go to academic circles on war history, they rarely want to know much about it or are simply uninterested. Until recently, this seems to have been repeated. I think we need to come up with a new model. Cavalry, infantry, and firearms are essential topics in Chinese military history and war history.

Lee Jeong-il: Thank you for your comments and explanations. What is the modern view of the Japanese Invasions of Korea of 1592 in East Asia?



Peter Lorge: Because the Japanese Invasions of Korea were a war between the three East Asian nations of Korea, China, and Japan, the three countries have conflicting perspectives and different understandings of the war. The interpretation of the war had to be different because the circumstances or contexts in each country were different. Try to understand or define the Japanese Invasions of Korea of 1592 by relying only on one sides records. It can be perilous from an academic standpoint. Strictly speaking, one of the things to keep in mind when understanding the Japanese Invasions of Korea is whether the position is objective. What interests me is the significance of the Japanese Invasions of Korea of 1592 in Korean history. To be honest, I know about the war's outcome from China's and Japan's viewpoints, but I don't know much about Koreas.

For this reason, it is essential to make a database of materials recorded during the Japanese Invasions of Korea in each country at the time and translate the historical materials into English. Researchers of military history in the West face many difficulties because they do not correctly know the people or place names of Korea, China, and Japan and do not know the history of pre-modern East Asia itself. If we can increase access to historical sources, it will certainly provide a good opportunity for military history researchers in the West. If we expand the opportunity to participate in international academic conferences on military history by sharing and spreading materials through translation, it will be possible to have more constructive discussions about what war is about with military history researchers from other regions and elevate the level of military history studies a step further. If we can expand the opportunities to run joint research more closely with Western military history academia like this, I think that research on the Japanese Invasions of Korea of 1592 will be able to exert much better academic synergy in international academia. I look forward to working with researchers regarding the Japanese Invasions of Korea of 1592.


Lee Jeong-il: Let me briefly mention two points regarding your comments. The first is that Joseon and Japan were enemies at the time of the Japanese Invasions of Korea of 1592, but they left a window open for behind-the-scenes negotiations. Joseon also informed Ming China of this. Second, the foundation is currently translating a collection of diplomatic documents between Joseon-Ming called Saedae Mungue (事大文軌). You mentioned that we need more materials on the Japanese Invasions of Korea recorded and remembered by Korea then. I think it will be a great encouragement for the translation project. It would be even better if it was translated into English in the future.

Peter Lorge: If a book about the Japanese Invasions of Korea is published in English, I would like to do my best to help. I know a little bit about publishing because I have experience in publishing books. When planning your publication, you should consider in advance which series it will be. It is because publishers in Europe and America prefer publishing a series rather than a single book. I also participated in the publication of books related to the Japanese Invasions of Korea of 1592. If the foundation publishes an English book related to the Japanese Invasions of Korea, I hope I will have the opportunity to help.


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