연구소 소식
21st Century Dynamic Korea Forecast in 19th Century
  • Kim Young-soo / Research Fellow, NAHF

A Russian diplomat Posioh wrote «Korea Overview (Очерк Кореи)» in 1982 as the first book on Korea published in Russia, which was translated for publication in German in 1895. Maps attached to the book describe West and East Islets of Dokdo as Olibucha (Оливуца), and Menelai (Менелай), classifying Dokdo as Korean territory in a clear-cut manner. In particular, the writer described east sea of Korea as East Sea and Sea of Japan (Японском и Восточном морях), for Korean side and Japanese side, respectively.

The book takes a look at the geographic pattern, state system, folk and religion in later 19th century, with focus on ports and islands of Korea. It also contains details on East Sea coast area including Ulleungdo Island using the name of `О-Лон-То' with specifics on the location of the island, which is the reason why the book has drawn special attention. This implies the Western world in late 19th century had an exact recognition of Ulleungdo without being confused between Ulleungdo and Dokdo.

Mikhail Alesandrovich Posioh (Михаил Александрович Поджио) was born in 1850. He studied in a military law school and began to serve at the Asian Department of Russia's Foreign Ministry in 1873.

Posioh moved to Russian consulate in Beijing in September, 1875, and was in charge of diplomatic relations with China and Japan at the task force team in 1881 led by then major general and commander of Pacific fleet Лесовский С. С., who delegated all affairs regarding the possible establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Korea to Posioh.

Posioh, who returned to Russia in 1882, began to compile Far East-related documented he collected. With the goal of completing his book, Posioh made the most of all available materials including articles, papers and journals in late 19th century, personal diaries he wrote while staying in China, Japan and Vladivostok. In 1880, he forecast that `Korea will play a grave political role in Asian continent in the near future,' he cited the need to solidify cooperation between Korea and Russia. He presented two reasons to support his argument. First, the two nations border along the Tumen River based on the Beijing Treaty in 1860. Second, Russia came to have a new market for sales of Russian goods with the signing of the Korea-Russia Treaty in 1884. He said he came to embark on writing the book with the aim of promoting bilateral relations between the two nations.

He expressed hope that "someone will complete my task of publicizing Korea and Koreans to Russia." His mission was sustained through the "Korea Territory" (Описание Кореи) by Russian Finance Ministry in 1900 and "Korea Overview" (Очерк Кореи) by the Oriental Research Institute in 1912.

In the eyes of the writer, Korea had potential and dynamism in 21st century while his book ``Korea Overview'' was a prologue signaling the significance of Korea for Russia.