Japan's Shinema Prefecture proclaimed Feb. 22 as "Takeshima Day." Since then Japan has been holding massive ceremonies every year in attempts to claim Dokdo as part of its territory. What is Japan's motive toward that end?
Takeshima Day" proclaimed by Shinema Prefecture is nothing but an attempt to the history of Japan's forced annexation of Dokdo as part of its territory in 1905 in the midst of then Russia-Japan War.
Japan's then home ministry and fisherman Nakai Yosabu were aware of the fact that Dokdo was a territory of Korea. Regarding the petition filed by Nakai Yosaburo, the Japanese government maintained a negative stance, a fact which proves Japan's claim of "original territory" was totally fabricated.
But Japan decided to include Dokdo into its territory initiated by foreign ministry's political affairs director Yamaza Yenziro considering Ulleungdo and Dokdo as significant strategic points in its bid to cope with the war against Russia. Against this backdrop, it is nothing but an attempt to repeat the history of territorial annexation for Japan to promulgate the "Takeshima Day" of Shinema Prefecture in 2005, 100 years after the event. Their act apparently runs against peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia while distorting history. Despite this, whey Shinema Prefecture has been aggressively pursuing the events to celebrate the "Takeshima Day."?
Around 2005, then Japanese Prime Koizumi pressed for his visit to Yasukuni Shrine dedicated to war dead during World War II, with some figures repeating improper remarks, triggering criticism over their alleged "nationalism."
Under this political background, Shinema Prefecture has been conveying its position to the central government on Dokdo, while maximizing the interests of both the provincial and central governments eventually. All told, Japan has been claiming its territorial rights on Dokdo as part of efforts to reclaim its northern territories.
Then what is Shinema Prefecture attempting to gain from the Dokdo issue? The province is seeking to secure fishing rights in areas near the islets and support Japanese fishermen in their fishing activities there despite the apparent illegality. Lastly, the prefecture seeks to show muscles by touching upon the territorial issue.
The "Takeshima Day" events hosted by Shinema Prefecture have been huge and massive ones, though their territorial claim has been lacking historical consciousness without consideration of peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia at all.