The Foundation's News


EBS special documentary supported by NAHF to produce
“The Prelude to the Rússo-Japanese War”






The EBS special documentary "The Prelude to the Dokdo, Russo-Japanese War" which NAHF supported the production was broadcast on EBS 1TV at 3:40 pm on March 29(Sun). This documentary explores the answer to ‘Why did Japan covet Dokdo?’ Research Fellow Kim Young-soo, who belongs to the NAHF Institute on Korea-Japan Historical Issues, has been well received by viewers for vividly explaining the relationship between the Russo-Japanese War and Japan's invasion of Dokdo, traveling through historical sites such as Russia, Japan, Ulleungdo and Dokdo.



Development of Dokdo Educational Textbooks Customized

for Elementary, Middle, and High School Students with Disabilities


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NAHF developed Dokdo textbooks for elementary, middle, and high school students with disabilities along with Ministry of Education and distributed textbooks through websites. This is the first customized Dokdo educational material developed for students with intellectual disabilities, emotional disorders, and severe or multiple disabilities in special classes installed in general schools as well as special schools. This is the first customized Dokdo educational material developed for students with intellectual disabilities, emotional disorders, and Severe or multiple disabilities in special classes installed in general schools as well as special schools. There are also Braille (tactile) and voice education materials for elementary school (5th to 6th grade) students with Visual Impairments.

This textbook is designed to meet the educational goals presented by the basic curriculum of special education revised in 2015 considering the cognitive development, learning characteristics, learning level, and educational needs of students with disabilities. It is expected that it will contribute to the activation of Dokdo education in the field where special education is conducted. Textbooks can be downloaded from the Education Materials section on the NAHF Dokdo Research Institute website, and NAHF also provides guidebooks and PPT files for learning guidance.



The Dokdo Museum Seoul presents a variety of online programs





The Dokdo Museum Seoul is temporarily closed to prevent the spread of COVID-19. So we're showing online programs so that you can learn about Dokdo and have various experiences. This program consists of various contents such as viewing The Dokdo Museum Seoul, commenting on the exhibition materials, delivering materials related to experiential activities to the home, and educational videos for home learning. There is also an event that offers gifts to those who use the online program of The Dokdo Museum Seoul. The program is available via The Dokdo Museum Seoul and NAHF's website, YouTube channel.








A column in depth analyzed on the distortion of Japanese textbooks

is published in Hankookilbo





On March 24, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan announced the results of certifying middle school textbooks. Looking at this, Japanese textbooks continued to describe distorted contents about Korea and Dokdo. So NAFH published three expert columns in Hankookilbo from March 30 to April 2 under the theme of "Intensive Analysis of Distortion of Textbook Contents in Japan". These columns were written by director of Institute on Korea-Japan Historical Issues in Nam Sang-gu, researcher Seo Jong-jin of Institute on Korea-Japan Historical Issues, and researcher Hong Sung-keun of the Dokdo Research Institute.




Park Sun-mi's research paper on Gojoseon and Buyeo

is published in internationally renowned journals




Research Fellow of Institute on Pre-modern Korean History(NAHF) Park Sun-mi’s paper ‘Antenna-Style Daggers in Northeast Asia from the Perspective of International Interaction’ is published in SCI-class A&HCI journal Asian Perspectives 59-1. It was published in the spring 2020 issue.
Antenna-Style Dagger is a knife decorated with the end of the handle in the shape of Antenna of an insect, and is found in Yodong, Jilin, Yeonhaeju, Korea and Tsushima. The authors of this paper compare and review Antenna-Style Dagger in Northeast Asia and dagger excavated from Ordos upstream of the Yellow River. So, the residents of Gojoseon who used the Mandolin-shaped bronze dagger and Slender bronze dagger were re-created by accepting the culture of the northern grasslands decorated with animal symbols and patterns. And this was seen as evidence that the elites of the area where Antenna-Style Daggers was excavated had formed political and economic alliances.
This paper was published through the examination of the international academic community, and it is meaningful that the claim of the wide-area trade network of Gojoseon and Buyeo has been recognized internationally. In the future, NAHF will promote research and build up quality research achievements recognized by international academia. This paper is available at https://uhpress.hawaii.edu/title/ap and is also published in print.