윤치호는 구한말에 활동한 개혁가로서, 미국에 유학한 기독교도이고, 독립협회를 통해서 최초로 의회를 도입하려다가 대통령이 되려한다는 모함에 좌절된 인물이다. 독립과 개혁이라는 시대적 요청에 비추어볼 때, 당시로서 개명한 인물이며 중앙관료 및 개혁가로 활동했던 그가 기록한 일기는 최근 한 소설의 모티브를 제공했고, 개인의 정국인식의 변화 뿐 아니라 당시 조선이 처한 상황에 대한 이해에 큰 도움이 될 것이다.
유영렬 교수님의 개화지식인 윤치호의 러시아 인식이란 글&&#3540한국민족운동사연구, 41&&#3541에 면 윤치호의 정국인식은 다음과 같이 변한다고 주장해 놓고 있다.
첫째로 러시아의 남하정책을 견제하기 위한 영국의 거문도점령 시기에 영, 러 양국의 이해가 한반도에서 충돌하고, 청은 조선 내정에 적극적으로 간섭하고 있었다. 그러므로 윤치호는 이왕에 외국의 지배를 받을 바에는 청나라 같은 야만국의 전근대적인 지배보다는 러시아나 영국 같은 문명국의 지배를 받는 것이 인민을 구원하고 개화를 추진하는데 유익하다고 생각했다.
둘째로 윤치호는 청일전쟁에 즈음하여 조선인이 현실을 개선할 능력도 의욕도 없다면 일본이나 영국의 지배하에서 변혁되는 것이 낫다고 생각했고, 청일전쟁이 진행되는 과정에서는 조선이 청의 압제를 스스로 벗어날 능력도 개혁을 단행할 능력도 없다면, 청의 야만적인 비배보다는 일본의 근대적인 지배 하에서 개혁을 도모하는 것이 낫다고 생각했다. 그러나 그는 갑오개혁 당시 일본이 한국의 개혁을 외면하고 러시아세력을 약화시키기 위해 민비를 살해한 을미사변을 계기로 강한 반일감정을 가지고, 조선이 외부의 영향으로 개혁되어야 한다면 일본인보다는 유럽인 곧 러시아인이 낫겠다는 생각을 가지게 되었다.
셋째로 윤치호는 아관파천 직후에 러시아가 조선에 취한 관대하고 온건한 자세에 호감을 갖게 되어 러시아의 영향 하에서 조선이 개혁되기를 기대했던 것으로 보인다. 그러나 그는 러시아가 조선의 개혁에 관심이 없고, 조선사회가 러시아의 간섭 하에서 갑고개혁 이전의 구악, 구패가 부활되어 복고적 성향을 띠는 것을 보고 러시아에 등을 돌리게 되
었다. 그리고 그는 독립협회의 회장이 되어 러시아의 내정간섭과 러시아를 비롯한 열강의 이권요구에 대응하여 자주국권운동을 전개했고, 나아가 자유민권운동과 근대개혁운동을 전개했다.
넷째로 윤치호는 러일전쟁을 한반도에 대한 러, 일 양국의 지배권 쟁탈전으로 파악했고, 러일전쟁의 승자에 의한 한국지배가 불가피 하다면, 백인국가인 러시아보다는 황인국가인 일본의 지배가 나을 것으로 생각했다. 그러나 그는 일본의 한국지배는 괴로운 노예제 또는 이민족 지배에 의한 폭정이 될 것이라고 하여, 러시아나 일본 등 외세의 지배가 현상유지보다 못하게 되리라고 생각했다. 이것은 어떻게 변화해도 현상유지보다 나쁘지 않을 것이라는 종래의 견해를 수정한 것이다. 그러므로 그는 을사조약 이후 대한자각회의 회장이 되어 국권회복을 위한 실력양성운동에 힘썼던 것이다.
&&#3540이상 p. 120 - 121&&#3541
한편 윤치호는 1895년 10월의 을미사변에 대하여 러시아 세력을 질시하는 일본공사관이 왕실세력의 강화를 반대하는 조선내각과 제휴하여 친러적 왕실세력의 총수인 민비를 살해한 것으로 생각했다.&&#3540yuns letter to dr. young j. allen, october 21, 1895&&#3541&&#3540위 p. 106&&#3541
협회는 광대극이다. 그것은 서로 용납될 수 없는 요소들의 집합체이다. 이완용과 그의 일파들이 당분간 상호 이익을 위해 얽혀 있다. 다음엔 대원권파, 러시아파, 일본파, 근왕파와 다른 파들이 있다. 각 정파는 여기저기 무리를 지어 나 같은 국외자는 발붙일 곳이 없다.&&#3540윤치호 일기 1897년 7. 25&&#3541&&#3540위 p. 111&&#3541
일본인과 한국인 사이에는 인종, 종교, 문자의 동일성에 기초한 감정과 이해의 공통성이 있다, 일본, 청국, 한국은 극동을 황인종의 영원한 보금자리로 지키고, 그 보금자리를 자연의 뜻대로 아름답고 행복하게 만들기 위하여 공동의 목표와 공동의 정책과 공동의ㅣ 이상을 가져야 한다.&&#35401902년 5. 7. 일기&&#3541
한국인으로서 나는 일본의 잇따른 승리&&#3540러일전쟁&&#3541에 대하여 좋아할 특별한 이유가 없다. 모든 승리는 한국 독립의 관에 못질이다.... 그러나 황인종으로서 한국은--- 더 정확히 말해서 나는--- 일본의 영광스런 승리를 자랑스럽게 여긴다. 일본은 황인종의 명예를 옹호했다.&&#35401905년 6.2 일기&&#3541
나는 일본이 러시아를 패배시킨 것이 기쁘다,. 그 섬나라 사람들은 황인종의 명예를 영광스럽게 옹호했다. 백인은 오랫동안 대세를 잡아 수세기 동안 동양인종을 솥 안에 가두었다. 일본이 단독으로 이 마력을 깬 것은 그 착상 자체가 당당한 것이다.... 나는 황인종의 일원으로서 일본을 사랑하고 존경한다. 그러나 한국인으로서는 한국의 모든 것, 독립까지도 빼앗아가고 있는 일본을 증오한다.&&#35401905. 9. 7. 일기&&#3541
일본의 괴로운 노예제 하에서 한국인들은 동족 지배자에 의한 폭정이 이민족 지배자에 의한 폭정의 디딤돌이 되었음을 알게 될 것이다.&&#35411905년 10. 16 일기&&#3541
이상 위 논문
최근 2010. 8. 4. 동북아역사재단에서 주최한 근데 동아시아 국제질서와 한반도 100년의 성찰과 전망에서 야마무로 신이치 교토대 교수님이 소개한 바와 같이 일본은 당초 중국 중심의 동아시아 질서에 도전하기 위해 서양의 국제법을 받아들여 조선에도 독립국이 될 것을 요구하였으나, 이후 서양의 국제법이나 1차대전 이후의 국제연맹 등은 기존의 서양지배 질서를 유지하는 것이라는 이유로., 기타 잇키 등의 일본개조법안대강&&#35401919년&&#3541 등 대동아공영권을 위한 여러 이론을 내놓았다고 소개하고 있다.
동북아역사재단 홈페이지에는 일본 정국신사 상의 게시물중 태평양전쟁으로 일본이 기존 유럽의 지배로부터 해방시킨 덕분에 아세아 각국이 패전후 독립국가로 발전할 수 있게 되었다.
는 구절이 소개, 비판되고 있다. 조선은 일본이 맨 먼저 식민화한 나라로 1910년 이전의 일이기 때문에 이후 태평양전쟁시기와 다르고, 또 이미 유럽의 지배하이지도 않은 점에서 다르기는 하나, 이처럼 각국의 역사인식을 살피는 것이 필요할 것이다.
역사교육이 선택과목화한다고 하는데, 인터넷 역사자료 상의 윤치호 일기 중 하나를 소개한다.
일제 하에서 이상재로부터 도미하여 이승만과 같은 류의 독립구명운동을 권유받자 윤치호가 다 소용없는 짓임을 밝히는 부분은 의미심장하다.
현재위치 : 한국사데이타베이스 > 형태별> 도서> 한국사료총서 > 윤치호일기 > 尹致昊日記 8卷 > 1924년> january, 1924
==시대구분== 삼국이전 삼국시대 남북국시대 고려시대 조선시대 대한제국 일제강점기 대한민국
전체 제목 본문 i d 시소러스검색 디렉토리내검색
한국사료 총서
hoi : nikh.db-sa_019a_0080_0050_0010
尹致昊日記 8卷
praise god from whom all blessings flow! amen! jan. 1st, 1924.
1st. tuesday. pale sun. chilly.
seoul home. praise god from whom all blessings flow.
praise father, son and holy ghost!
about 10:30 a.m. paid my card-visit to governor general. after lunch, with 璋善, 琦善 and 明姬, called on mrs. hardie, mrs. boaz whom i had thought to be away in japan with the bishop was there.
called on mrs. deming who had called on me a few days ago. she is active in missionary work for the chinese. she asked me to lend her ¥10,000&&#354000/100&&#3541 to help out the chinese work.
2nd. wednesday. sun a.m. cloud p.m. chilly.
seoul home. messrs. 洪性友 and 金錫泰 called this evening. they showed me a copy of 時事評論 in which an article appeared exposing the defects of the 彰文社: mr. 朴勝鳳 has been running the company? all by himself during last 4 months. he fired the 支配人, the 爲業部長. i dont blame him so much for dismissing these men as for his doing things in such autocratic fashion. he ignores the directors all together. he doesnt report what he has done in the past 4 months nor what he plans to do in the future. he is as
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autocratic and dictatorial as a korean minister used to be. this man talks and thinks as if he were doing all this for the glory of god!
3rd. thursday. cloud a.m. sun p.m. mild.
called on mr. 李尙在 this morning to ask him tell mr. 朴勝鳳 to call a meeting of the 重役會. mr. 李 suggested that i should visit america at this juncture when there seems to be strained relation between japan and the u.s. the old gentleman doesnt seem to understand that uncle sam cant help korea unless he is ready to fight japan and that he, uncle sam, isnt interested enough in korea to shed blood for her independence! what can i do in america? to be of any service i must either be a great man to compel the admiration, submission, and consolidation of the factions, or a possessor of unlimited wealth so as to finance the expensive, luxury of political propaganda. being neither i may, by going there, become another yi sung man or kim kajin. if i can do anything worthwhile in america, i may do better in korea by helping education. then i must take care of my children!
left seoul 1:30 p.m. for song do.
4th. friday. bright mild.
song do home. office as usual.
received a nice letter from helen.
wrote bishop candler introducing mr. 羅樞建.
mr. 李尙在 told me that mr. cynn had suggested that he
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&&#3540mr. yi&&#3541 should go abroad. i dont seen what real good the old man can do for korea by going abroad. cynn is such a shrewd man that he know more about these things than i do, though. however it is my firm belief that even cynn would do vastly more good to the ultimate success of the korean cause by devoting his high talents to the educational institutions like 培材 for instance than he could by speechmaking in america.
5th. saturday. pale. chilly.
song do home. office as usual.
suppose i or any other korean were to appeal to an american audience for deliverance from the japanese yoke. suppose further that the american audience, say, composed of the most influential men in the cabinet and in the congress, were to ask: now, mr. korean what do you want us to do for you? will any sane korean answer:
please declare war with japan for us? all we could say would be we want your sympathy! the great pity is no strong nation ever disgorged a subject race on account of somebody elses sympathy. has the sympathy of all the christian nations of the west prevented the lurks from massacring the poor christian americans?
6th. sunday. pale sun. mild.
mild as a spring day. worshipped at 宗橋 church. pastor 吳 preached a splendid sermon on the living hope. he introduced his talk with a vivid deion of the hopeless
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of the korean people. those who have everything they want dont need hope was turn which the discourse took. he admirably argued that of all races in the east we are the most hopeful because we are most hopeless. this seeming paradox was explained and illustrated by the lives of joseph and moses whom god made great leaders of their people out of utter hopelessness. he prophesied that within 6 years from now, at most, god will give us such blessings as we dare not dream of today. he said that in 1916 or there about a similar inspiration or presentiment that inside of two years from then korea would have a great blessings came to him. in 1919 i went to prison said he implying that the mansei movement was the blessing he had the inspiration of let us die in hope rather than live in despair.
7th. monday. bright. cold.―windy―biting.
left seoul 6:15 a.m. train for song do where i arrived at 8 a.m. school opened its 3rd term this morning.
8th. tuesday. bright a.m. bitter cold.
song do home. office as usual. real show from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
those who promoted the organization of 彰文社 based their calculations on the fact that at least 20,000 of the so called 300,000 christians or 1/15 of the entire membership of the church would subscribe on-e share of ¥50.00. that was an error but let us say it was rather an error of the head and not of the heart. but new the principal leaders of the scheme
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are seen to have been guilty of moral turpitude. both mr. 李尙材 and 兪星濬 subscribed to 100 and 200 shares with the deliberate intention of deceiving others into the game. they knew they could not pay up. so did 崔丙憲, 李承薰 and others who subscribed 50 shares etc. just to entice others to join the movement. 尹明殷 who headed the list with 300 shares, later reduced them to 100 and finally took back the money which he had paid up as first instalment! 朴容羲 actually embezzled ¥500.00. 朴鵬緖 who publicly promised he would make good 700 shares, didnt redeem his promise not on-ly but embezzled ¥700.00 as the manager &&#3540專務取締&&#3541. 兪星濬, when i told him that i had so often been fooled by stock―company projects that i didnt want to join the 昌文社 business, piously asked me if i had ever been fooled by god. that man who compassed land and sea to get subscribers actually had the cheek to withdraw himself from the company. all these men think they are christians. if so is their type of christianity worth being preached?
9th. wednesday. bright. cold.
song do home. office as usual.
received letters from 致昌 and candler.
10th. thursday. bright. bitter cold.
song do office as usual. left song do for seoul 1:50 p.m. to visit america again is not my ambition. my experience of the 1910 american tour has left absolutely not a shred
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of pleasurable sensation or sentiment in my memory. the best thing i can say of it is that it was not altogether unpleasant. a place has no meaning in itself unless it is associated with human interest. except a few isolated oasis of genuine welcome―like the home and hospitality of mrs. hounshell at chattanooga, of mrs. hoss at muskogee, of prof. and mrs. bonnell at macon, of dr. and mrs. candler at atlants―america was a desert to me so far as human affection and sympathy went. my sensibility was cut to the quick by the coldness of some of my former school mates whom i happened to meet here and there. no, i dont care to visit america again. if i have money and time to take a foreign trip i like to visit new zealand, the pacific islands, the northern europe or south america or africa. not that i may meet with human affection or sympathy in these places but that they have the attractions of novelty to me.
11th. friday. pale sun. mild.
seoul home. mailed letter and bill of exchange for £150/sterling to 致旺.
12th. saturday. pale. mild.
seoul home. when i am at home in seoul i have to be up from 4 to 5 every morning as 琦善 is an early riser. this is no trouble to me but joy to listen to the baby talks of love and innocense of 琦善, 璋善 and 恩姬 who sleep in the same room with me. 琦善 has his own vocabulary.
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tram car 웅 apple 와와 壯士다 단다다
mother 엄마 candle 부응 victoria 낭
father 움메 김치 무 shoes 내 구두
cat 아웅 rice 맘마 milk 위
dog 멍머 cow or ox 움메 잣 낫
pencil 맙부 brother 나나
13th. sunday. gloomy. chilly but thawing.
seoul home. worshipped at 宗橋 church.
14th. monday. cloud and pale sun. mild.
seoul home. the weather behaves like spring. with messrs. 具 and 申 took lunch at y.
the junior department in the y. is to let to meet the deficit which the y. budget of this year faces. mr. 具 tells me the y. finance came out last year ¥10,000.00 or more short. you must spend in order to get money was the principle with which cynn started his y.m.c.a. career. he should have kept in mind and in practice, the correlative principle you must not spend more than you get. had some money been laid aside in the boom years of 1919-20-21 the y. finance might have been on a firmer and safer basis than it is now. nulle accused me of erring on the side of economy now cynn has found it is not safe to spend more than you get. i left the y. with a reserve fund of several thousand yen untouched. now 具 has to face a year with not a cent in reserve. with a great plant like the central y. to run, i think it is safer and wiser to err on the
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side of economy than on the side of extravagance.
15th. tuesday. beautiful. mild.
up at 6 a.m. a blister between the little and the fourth toe causes much pain but i had to leave seoul 8:25 a.m. train for song do in order to meet an engagement to talk in the northward church. on arriving home i had such pain in walking that i had to consult dr. huh. he ordered me to keep quiet.
16th. wednesday. pretty. mild.
song do home. still in bed the sore foot not allowing me to walk about. the boil like blister broke this morning thus removing the cause of the intense pain i suffered yesterday.
this mornings paper reports another big earthquake in tokyo―another calamity to korea.
17th. thursday. pretty. mild.
song do home. another spring like day. the foot much better.
emma goldman of the most vociferous radicals of america was departed in 1919 to russia, her new utopia of the bolsheviks. after a sojourn of 15 months in the land of promise the famous anarchist, in a volume called my disillusionment in russia gives a sweeping indictment of bolshevism. as for the bolsheviks party: tammany hall has nothing on it. the rulers of russia constituted a close corporation bolstered up by persecution, summary arrests and sudden death. in the common dining rooms the best
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food went to a number of officials, commandants and inspectors!! the workers, the poor people had merely changed masters. said the poverty stricken citizens the masters have white bread, clothing even chocolate while we have nothing. communism, equality, freedom lies and deception.
18th. friday. bright a.m. cloudy p.m. mild.
song do home. office as usual. left for seoul 7:18 p.m. train.
peace and talks of peace seem to be the fad in america and europe. when the westerners talk about peace, they remind me of my friend 朴晃讚. he was a mighty man in our village physically at least. if anybody was ever intended by nature to live three score and ten years or by reason of strength four score years, he was certainly on-e. but he loved the fire wine&&#3540燒酒&&#3541 a little too much. during the dozen or so years of my acquaintance with, i never saw him without being literally soaked in alcohol. nullce he got sick―awfully sick. he got scared. he kept a sharp nail of him vowing that he would stick it into his vitals if his desire for alcohol should return. his native strength plus his abstinence from the fiery liquor gave him health on-ce more. for a month or two he kept his resolution to keep himself dry. but his flesh was too weak for the overwhelming temptation of a life long habit of intemperance. he drank again at first for the sake of his stomach, but gradually he drank for the
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sake of drink. he died on-ly a year after his first illness. the love of war is in the blood of the europeans. their philosophers dream peace their histories glory in war. soon enough they, the westerners, will forget the horrors of war and go to it again.
19th. saturday. snow. mild.
seoul home. biggest snow so far of this winter in seoul.
20th. sunday. pale. cold.
seoul home. darling 明姬 has a boil back of her neck. took her to dr. 朴啓陽 this morning.
21st. monday. bright. cold.
left seoul 12:15 p.m. for song do.
from 7 p.m. today began the revival services for the benefit of the song do higher common school, under pastor 劉漢翼. he rose from a lowly origin. he was on-ce a common soldier in the korean army. thanks to his ability as a singer of &&#3540아리랑타령&&#3541 he became a ground favorite in the palace. rapid promotions followed. in 1898 he was the chief of police department―警務局長. in 1903 he, through the influence of then reigning favorite, 李容翊, succeeded me as the 監理 of wonsan. whoever dreamed, then, that 劉漢翼 the singer would turn a preacher of the gospel! certainly god moves in a mysterious way. his wonders to perform.
22nd. tuesday. bright. cold.
song do home. morning watch prayer meeting between 6
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and 7. preaching from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
as i was going to the morning watch about 5:30, the moon shone bright and cold on the western sky. the town sleeps wrapt in silence and the moon light. the eternal hills back of the city―the hills which have witnessed the rise and fall of two dynasties during the last ten centuries―stand like faithful sentinels mute and melancholy. in these histories surrounding a handful of young men are gathered to pray for a better and higher life. a noble and inspiring sight. we didnt hear the morning stars sing together, but they certainly were there high and serene seeming to listen to the songs of the boys. god grant this revival shall prove a benediction to us all!
23rd. wednesday. bright. cold.
song do home. morning watch between 6 and 7 and preaching from 7 to 9 p.m.
3 p.m. went to the 面廳 or district office to listen to an imperial re read&&#3540詔書奉讀式&&#3541. the re was issued about a month after the september catastrophe in tokyo, calling upon the people of japan to be thrifty, loyal, industrious etc. to help forward the prosperity of the japanese nation. the re and the public reading thereof must have a meaning for the japanese. but for the koreans who sees through and suffers from, the japanese policy of expropriation and exploitation, the re is apiece of mockery pure and simple.
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24th. thursday. cloudy. chilly.
song do home. from 6 to 7, morning watch. breakfast at mr. snyders home.
gave a welcome tea to pastor 劉 4-5 p.m. it was an informal and enjoyable occasion. mr. 劉 is full of fun―a bag of anecdotes. he is a good entertainer and will do much good as a preacher―provided he is sincere―provided―because having been disillusioned by such characters as kim pil soo, pak sung bong, pak yong hui, yu s.j., pak boong suh etc. i agree with confucius who said: 始吾仡人也 德其言而信其行 今吾仡人也 德其言而 觀其行.
25th. friday. pale. cold.
from 6 to 7 morning watch. lunch at mr. deals home. left song do 1:50 p.m. train for seoul. turned suddenly cold from about 7 p.m. with a thin cover of snow.
lenin the dictator of the soviet russia is reported dead for good this time. from all sides i understand that lenin was a sincere idealist who was ready to sacrifice himself for what he regarded to be the interest of the people. what a pity such a great man should have plunged a great nation into the depth of hell just for the sake of carrying an academic ideal to its impractical conclusions. that was another form selfishness.
26th. saturday. bright. bitter cold 12℃ below zero 9 a.m.
seoul home. lunch at y. called on 金錫泰, on-e of the directors&&#3540重役&&#3541 of 彰文社.: he is bitter against 朴 s.b. the
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self appointed dictator of the precious stock company which messrs. 兪 and 朴 and the rest of them insisted to be an enterprise which no christian korean could regard with indifference. pastor 李正魯 is reported to have said that mr. pak s.b. is so black in his lust of money that he literally shines.
would to god i were strong enough to have stayed out of a business which i knew and prophesied, would be a failure. nullly i had no idea that 朴 s.b., 李容羲, 朴鵬緖 were such rascals and that messrs. yi s.j. and yu s.j. were such irresponsible fools.
27th. sunday. pale. bitter cold 14°c. below zero 9 a.m.
seoul home. today being the 4th birthday of 璋善 and the hundredth day of 寶姬 we had a double celebration. god bless them!
it is reported in a paper that some fool in moscow moved to change the name of petrograd to leningrad. it was already absurd to change st. petersburg into petrograd. now to change it again is double absurd. if the name of a city is to change everytime a great event or person appears who can tell what name the city will ever have in future? that alone shows that the russians are not yet ready for a real, stable democracy.
28th. monday. bright. very cold 11℃. below zero 9 a.m.
left seoul 12:15 p.m. train for song do. quite a snowfall in song do last saturday.
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29th. tuesday. bright. very cold.
song do office all day.
30th. wednesday. bright. mild.
seoul home. 彰文社 取締役會 from 11 a.m. present 李商在, 金宣均, 金正基, 朴鵬緖, 韓一賢, 李觀淳, 朴勝鳳, and myself. all guns were directed against 朴勝鳳, who was charged for having been too dictatorial carrying on the business of the company as if it were his personal property. after much talk, mr. 金善均 moved to have a committee appointed to look into the books, accounts and 手形 or collectable bills etc. mr. 朴鳳緖 is no double a strong man but he is inclined to be arbitrary, arrogant and exceedingly short tempered and sharp tongued. he has succeeded in making enemy of everybody he came into touch in the company. how we may get out this mess is a great problem. 兪星濬 seems to be bent on on-e thing on-ly―that is to make himself as little responsible as possible in any legal complications that may arise here after. thats contemptible. he urged others to join, the company in the name of god and then, but as soon as he scents dangers, he tries to back out leaving others in a hole. he may be a wise man but a coward all right.
31st. thursday. gray a.m. sun p.m. mild.
seoul home. my birthday.
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* 태그 등록 시 구분은 콤마&&#3540,&&#3541로 하여 특수문자&&#3540|,,*,&,$,,&#35,@,!,?,<,> 등&&#3541는 등록할 수 없습니다.
[출처 : 국사편찬위원회 한국사데이터베이스 http://db.history.go.kr]