4. Liancourt Rocks, 독도 [dog do]/獨島, たけしま ,
The Liancourt Rocks, also known as Dokdo or Tokto (독도 [dog do]/獨島, literally "solitary island") in Korean or Takeshima (たけしま/竹島/죽도[zug do]?, literally "bamboo island") in Japanese,[1] are a group of small islets in the Sea of Japan (East Sea). Sovereignty over the islets is disputed between Japan and South Korea.[2] The islets are currently administered by South Korea, which has its Coast Guard stationed there.[3] ,
In 1695 the Shogunate inquired of the Tottori clan (Shimane Prefecture) if Takeshima (Ulleungdo, 울릉도[ŋul l=ŋ do]/鬱陵島) and "Matsushima" (松島, まつしま, possibly Jukdo or Liancourt Rocks) were part of either Imbashu or Hoki districts, where the Oyas and Murakawas of Yonago resided.
"독도 [dog do]/獨島" is the pronunciation of Japanese secondary speaking posture with coarticulation of Korea 제주도/濟州道(島)[ze zu do] dialect speaking posture.
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" from Korea 제주도/濟州道(島)[ze zu do] dialect secondary speaking posture with coarticulation of Japanese speaking posture, "울릉도[ŋul l=ŋ do]/鬱陵島, not Ulleungdo" is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" from Japanese secondary CHEST speaking posture with coarticulation of Korea 제주도/濟州道(島)[ze zu do] dialect speaking posture, "竹島/죽도[zug do]" is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" from Korea 제주도/濟州道(島)[ze zu do] dialect secondary CHEST speaking posture with coarticulation of Japanese speaking posture, "송도[soŋ do] 松島" is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" or "울릉도[ŋul l=ŋ do]/鬱陵島, not Ulleungdo" or "竹島/죽도[zug do]" or "송도[soŋ do] 松島" from Japanese primary speaking posture with coarticulation of Chinese speaking posture, "다께시마[da ge si ma]/たけしま, not Takeshima" is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.
** "께[ge]/[ke]" is similar to (the sound of not English but) Spanish [k/C] of "Catalonia".
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" or "울릉도[ŋul l=ŋ do]/鬱陵島, not Ulleungdo" or "竹島/죽도[zug do]" or "송도[soŋ do] 松島" or "다께시마[da ge si ma]/たけしま, not Takeshima" from Korea 경상도/慶尙道 [gyΛŋ saŋ do] dialect primary speaking posture with coarticulation of Chinese speaking posture, "마쓰시마[ma s= si ma]/まつしま, not Matsushima" is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.
** "쓰[s=]/[θ=]" is similar to (the sound of English) [s] of "such", not of "sand".
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" or "울릉도[ŋul l=ŋ do]/鬱陵島, not Ulleungdo" or "竹島/죽도[zug do]" or "송도[soŋ do] 松島" or "다께시마[da ge si ma]/たけしま, not Takeshima" or "마쓰시마[ma s= si ma]/まつしま, not Matsushima" from Phoenician/Canaanite speaking posture with coarticulation of English /P/S speaking posture, Liancourt is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" or "울릉도[ŋul l=ŋ do]/鬱陵島, not Ulleungdo" or "竹島/죽도[zug do]" or "송도[soŋ do] 松島" or "다께시마[da ge si ma]/たけしま, not Takeshima" or "마쓰시마[ma s= si ma]/まつしま, not Matsushima" or Liancourt from CYRILLIC primary /C1 speaking posture with coarticulation of English /P/S speaking posture, "Korean island" is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" or "울릉도[ŋul l=ŋ do]/鬱陵島, not Ulleungdo" or "竹島/죽도[zug do]" or "송도[soŋ do] 松島" or "다께시마[da ge si ma]/たけしま, not Takeshima" or "마쓰시마[ma s= si ma]/まつしま, not Matsushima" or Liancourt or "Korean island" from Korea Seoul primary /P CHEST speaking posture, "한국 섬 [han gug sΛm], (which is equal to Korean island)" is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" or "울릉도[ŋul l=ŋ do]/鬱陵島, not Ulleungdo" or "竹島/죽도[zug do]" or "송도[soŋ do] 松島" or "다께시마[da ge si ma]/たけしま, not Takeshima" or "마쓰시마[ma s= si ma]/まつしま, not Matsushima" or Liancourt or "Korean island" or "한국 섬 [han gug sΛm]" from Korea 경상도/慶尙道 [gyΛŋ saŋ do] dialect primary speaking posture with coarticulation of s Japanese peaking posture, "강고꾸시마 [gaŋ go gu si ma](かんこくしま, 韓國しま), (which is equal to Korean island)" is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.
** "꾸[geu]/[ku]" is similar to (the sound of not English but) Spanish [k/C] of "Catalonia".
B) ,
The Liancourt Rocks consist of two main islets and numerous surrounding rocks. The two main islets, called Seodo (서도[sΛ do]/西島, "Western Island") and Dongdo (동도[doŋ do]/東島, "Eastern Island") in Korean, and Otokojima (男島/남도[nam do], "Male Island") Onnajima (女島/여도[yΛ do], "Female Island") in Japanese, are 151 metres (495 ft) apart.[6] The Western Island is the larger of the two, with a wider base and higher peak, while the Eastern Island offers more usable surface area.
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" or "울릉도[ŋul l=ŋ do]/鬱陵島, not Ulleungdo" or "竹島/죽도[zug do]" or "송도[soŋ do] 松島" or "다께시마[da ge si ma]/たけしま, not Takeshima" or "마쓰시마[ma s= si ma]/まつしま, not Matsushima" or Liancourt or "Korean island" or "한국 섬 [han gug sΛm]" or "강고꾸시마 [gaŋ go gu si ma](かんこくしま, 韓國しま)" from Korea 경상도/慶尙道 [gyΛŋ saŋ do] dialect primary CHEST speaking posture with coarticulation of Japanese peaking posture, "동도[doŋ do]/東島" is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" or "울릉도[ŋul l=ŋ do]/鬱陵島, not Ulleungdo" or "竹島/죽도[zug do]" or "송도[soŋ do] 松島" or "다께시마[da ge si ma]/たけしま, not Takeshima" or "마쓰시마[ma s= si ma]/まつしま, not Matsushima" or Liancourt or "Korean island" or "한국 섬 [han gug sΛm]" or "강고꾸시마 [gaŋ go gu si ma](かんこくしま, 韓國しま)" or "동도[doŋ do]/東島" from Phoenician/Canaanite CHEST /+bp speaking posture with coarticulation of English /P/S speaking posture, "Eastern Island" is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" or "울릉도[ŋul l=ŋ do]/鬱陵島, not Ulleungdo" or "竹島/죽도[zug do]" or "송도[soŋ do] 松島" or "다께시마[da ge si ma]/たけしま, not Takeshima" or "마쓰시마[ma s= si ma]/まつしま, not Matsushima" or Liancourt or "Korean island" or "한국 섬 [han gug sΛm]" or "강고꾸시마 [gaŋ go gu si ma](かんこくしま, 韓國しま)" or "동도[doŋ do]/東島" or "Eastern Island" from Japanese primary CHEST speaking posture with coarticulation of Korea 경상도/慶尙道 [gyΛŋ saŋ do] dialect peaking posture, "서도[sΛ do]/西島" is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" or "울릉도[ŋul l=ŋ do]/鬱陵島, not Ulleungdo" or "竹島/죽도[zug do]" or "송도[soŋ do] 松島" or "다께시마[da ge si ma]/たけしま, not Takeshima" or "마쓰시마[ma s= si ma]/まつしま, not Matsushima" or Liancourt or "Korean island" or "한국 섬 [han gug sΛm]" or "강고꾸시마 [gaŋ go gu si ma](かんこくしま, 韓國しま)" or "동도[doŋ do]/東島" or "Eastern Island" or "서도[sΛ do]/西島" from Phoenician/Canaanite CHEST /+cp speaking posture with coarticulation of English /P/S speaking posture, "Western Island" is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" or "울릉도[ŋul l=ŋ do]/鬱陵島, not Ulleungdo" or "竹島/죽도[zug do]" or "송도[soŋ do] 松島" or "다께시마[da ge si ma]/たけしま, not Takeshima" or "마쓰시마[ma s= si ma]/まつしま, not Matsushima" or Liancourt or "Korean island" or "한국 섬 [han gug sΛm]" or "강고꾸시마 [gaŋ go gu si ma](かんこくしま, 韓國しま)" or "동도[doŋ do]/東島" or "Eastern Island" or "서도[sΛ do]/西島" or "Western Island" from Korea 경상도/慶尙道 [gyΛŋ saŋ do] dialect secondary CHEST speaking posture with coarticulation of Japanese speaking posture, "男島/남도[nam do]" is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" or "울릉도[ŋul l=ŋ do]/鬱陵島, not Ulleungdo" or "竹島/죽도[zug do]" or "송도[soŋ do] 松島" or "다께시마[da ge si ma]/たけしま, not Takeshima" or "마쓰시마[ma s= si ma]/まつしま, not Matsushima" or Liancourt or "Korean island" or "한국 섬 [han gug sΛm]" or "강고꾸시마 [gaŋ go gu si ma](かんこくしま, 韓國しま)" or "동도[doŋ do]/東島" or "Eastern Island" or "서도[sΛ do]/西島" or "Western Island" or "男島/남도[nam do]" from CYRILLIC primary /C1 CHEST /+bp speaking posture with coarticulation of English /P/S speaking posture, "Male Island" is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" or "울릉도[ŋul l=ŋ do]/鬱陵島, not Ulleungdo" or "竹島/죽도[zug do]" or "송도[soŋ do] 松島" or "다께시마[da ge si ma]/たけしま, not Takeshima" or "마쓰시마[ma s= si ma]/まつしま, not Matsushima" or Liancourt or "Korean island" or "한국 섬 [han gug sΛm]" or "강고꾸시마 [gaŋ go gu si ma](かんこくしま, 韓國しま)" or "동도[doŋ do]/東島" or "Eastern Island" or "서도[sΛ do]/西島" or "Western Island" or "男島/남도[nam do]" or "Male Island" from Japanese secondary CHEST speaking posture with coarticulation of Korea 경상도/慶尙道 [gyΛŋ saŋ do] dialect speaking posture, "女島/여도[yΛ do]" is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" or "울릉도[ŋul l=ŋ do]/鬱陵島, not Ulleungdo" or "竹島/죽도[zug do]" or "송도[soŋ do] 松島" or "다께시마[da ge si ma]/たけしま, not Takeshima" or "마쓰시마[ma s= si ma]/まつしま, not Matsushima" or Liancourt or "Korean island" or "한국 섬 [han gug sΛm]" or "강고꾸시마 [gaŋ go gu si ma](かんこくしま, 韓國しま)" or "동도[doŋ do]/東島" or "Eastern Island" or "서도[sΛ do]/西島" or "Western Island" or "男島/남도[nam do]" or "Male Island" or "女島/여도[yΛ do]" from CYRILLIC primary /C1 CHEST /+cp speaking posture with coarticulation of English /P/S speaking posture, "Female Island" is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" or "울릉도[ŋul l=ŋ do]/鬱陵島, not Ulleungdo" or "竹島/죽도[zug do]" or "송도[soŋ do] 松島" or "다께시마[da ge si ma]/たけしま, not Takeshima" or "마쓰시마[ma s= si ma]/まつしま, not Matsushima" or Liancourt or "Korean island" or "한국 섬 [han gug sΛm]" or "강고꾸시마 [gaŋ go gu si ma](かんこくしま, 韓國しま)" or "동도[doŋ do]/東島" or "Eastern Island" or "서도[sΛ do]/西島" or "Western Island" or "男島/남도[nam do]" or "Male Island" or "女島/여도[yΛ do]" or "Female Island" from Korea 제주도/濟州道(島)[ze zu do] dialect primary CHEST speaking posture with coarticulation of Korea 경상도/慶尙道 [gyΛŋ saŋ do] dialect speaking posture, "오또꼬지마[ŋo do go zi ma], not Otokojima" is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.
When/if trying to speak "독도 [dog do]/獨島" or "울릉도[ŋul l=ŋ do]/鬱陵島, not Ulleungdo" or "竹島/죽도[zug do]" or "송도[soŋ do] 松島" or "다께시마[da ge si ma]/たけしま, not Takeshima" or "마쓰시마[ma s= si ma]/まつしま, not Matsushima" or Liancourt or "Korean island" or "한국 섬 [han gug sΛm]" or "강고꾸시마 [gaŋ go gu si ma](かんこくしま, 韓國しま)" or "동도[doŋ do]/東島" or "Eastern Island" or "서도[sΛ do]/西島" or "Western Island" or "男島/남도[nam do]" or "Male Island" or "女島/여도[yΛ do]" or "Female Island" or "오또꼬지마[ŋo do go zi ma]" from Korea 경상도/慶尙道 [gyΛŋ saŋ do] dialect primary CHEST speaking posture with coarticulation of Korea 제주도/濟州道(島)[ze zu do] dialect speaking posture, "온나지마[ŋon na zi ma], not Onnajima" is metaphthong/MPh pronounced. Vice versa.