A New Take-Off Toward a Peaceful and Prosperous Northeast Asia
The Northeast Asian History Foundation (hereafter "Foundation") concentrated on raising its domestic and international status and strengthening its capabilities in 2009. Based on the accomplishments of 2009, the Foundation plans to focus on enhancing our research and policy recommendation capabilities in 2010. 2010 is a historically significant year. It is the centennial of Japan's forced annexation of Korea and the 60th anniversary of the Korean War—a tragic incident in modern Korean history. Politically, 2010 is the 50th anniversary of the April 19th Revolution and the 30th anniversary of the Gwangju Democratization Movement. The Foundation strives to analyze these important chapters of Korean history from a Northeast Asian perspective and find a message of peace and prosperity for Northeast Asia of today and tomorrow. – Editor's note
In 2009, the Northeast Asian History Foundation carried out a wide range of activities, organically integrating research, policy development, and their implementation concerning various issues concerning Korean, Japanese, and Chinese histories.
Of note, the Foundation undertook diverse academic and commemorative events that shed light on crucial historical events, including the 90th anniversary of the March 1st Movement, centennial of Ahn Jung-geun's assassination of Ito Hirobumi, and the centennial of Japan's forced annexation of Korea. The Foundation endeavored to move beyond the Korean viewpoint in order to examine these historical episodes from a macroscopic, Northeast Asian perspective. In so doing, the Foundation sought to identify those tasks for the promotion peace in Northeast Asia. Moreover, the Foundation responded proactively and systematically to the coverage on the sovereignty of Dokdo in Japan's history textbooks published by Jiyusha and in Japan's high school textbook instruction guides.
The Foundation's collaborative projects with international organizations and overseas research institutes in 2009 were more active than ever before. In addition to the research support program for the study of ancient Korean history at Harvard University's Korean Institute, which was launched in 2007, the scope and breadth of the joint research projects with the University of Hawaii, University of Washington, and Stanford University (Sorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center) have been growing every year. Moreover, the Foundation concluded MOUs with China's Jilin Academy of Social Sciences and the Heilongjiang Academy of Social Sciences, laying the foundation for academic exchanges with China's northeast.
Based on these achievements of 2009, the Foundation plans to focus on the following 9 areas: 1) Solidifying Korea's sovereignty over Dokdo; 2) Analyzing and responding to Korea-China historical issues; 3) Responding to distortions in Japanese textbooks; 4) Responding to distortions in Chinese textbooks; 5) Pursuing projects related to peace in Northeast Asia and the Northeast Asian Community; 6) Carrying out education and PR activities for accurate historical understanding; 7) Building and systemizing an international network; and 9) undertaking projects related to the centennial of Japan's forced annexation of Korea.
Solidifying Korea's Sovereignty over Dokdo
In 2009, the Dokdo Institute undertook the following activities in response to Japan's efforts at claiming sovereignty over Dokdo: 1) Publication of a special series entitled Dokdo and Korea-Japan Relations; 2) Finding and archiving/publishing maps issued by the Japanese government that refute Japan's claims over Dokdo; 3) Research and survey activities to strengthen Korea's claim over Dokdo; 4) Rectification of incorrect geographical naming of the East Sea and Dokdo; 5) Building domestic and overseas cooperation networks related to Dokdo; and 6) Undertaking projects on next-generation education and PR regarding Dokdo.
In 2010, the Dokdo Institute has plans for the following activities: 1) Strengthening education and PR activities aimed at solidifying Korea's sovereignty over Dokdo; 2) Developing policy response measures regarding Dokdo; 3) Building a network and carrying out activities aimed at rectifying incorrect geographical naming of the East Sea and Dokdo; and 4) Holding academic conferences in Korea and overseas to engender a favorable international opinion. To these ends, the Dokdo Institute will concretize and implement the government's plans for integrated Dokdo PR measures. Additionally, the Dokdo Institute will publish Korean-language books and papers and their English translations in order to spread an accurate historical understanding at home and abroad. The Dokdo Institute also plans to undertake studies on international law and judicial precedents concerning Dokdo-related issues and hold a colloquium on Dokdo research. The Dokdo Institute will collect and analyze Japanese government papers and produce a video on Dokdo-related testimonials before and after the colloquium, thereby maximizing their synergy effect.
In tandem, the Dokdo Institute will hold advisory meetings for the discussion of current events and policy development, organize workshops, undertake in-depth research on Japan's territorial policies, analyze related research trends in Japan, and come up with alternative measures for developing policies and policy responses aimed at solidifying Korea's sovereignty over Dokdo.
The Dokdo Institute will host an international seminar on the rectification of errors concerning the geographical naming of the East Sea and Dokdo, host a workshop for Korean and American geography educators, and become involved in the National Geographic Society. Hosting and actively participating in international academic conferences, seminars, and workshops will strengthen not only Dokdo Institute's human and academic networks but also contribute to engendering favorable international opinion.
Fostering a Shared Historical Understanding in Northeast Asia
By researching Northeast Asian historical issues, the Foundation aims to rectify historical distortions and foster a shared historical understanding for peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia. In 2009, the Foundation extracted and began work on around 8,000 headwords on ancient and medieval East Asian history for a dictionary on the history of East Asian international relations. In 2010, the Foundation will continue with the dictionary project on the history of Korea-China-Japan relations, focusing on early modern and modern history. Moreover, the Foundation will trace the relics not only of war but of mutual exchanges by surveying relevant historical sites, contributing to the formation of a Northeast Asian peace belt. These activities are expected to ultimately play a part in fostering an international consensus on a shared historical understanding.
The Foundation will lay the foundation for a shared historical understanding by supporting conferences for Korean and Japanese historians and publishing a special collection of papers on East Asian history (centering on ancient and medieval history). Carrying on the work from 2009, the Foundation will also compile and publish Korea's diplomatic papers from the modern period (post-opening of port). Finally, the Foundation plans to publish a sourcebook on the history of Korea's foreign relations with the goal of rectifying international misconceptions concerning modern Korean history.
Responding to Distortions in Japanese and Chinese History Textbooks
The results of the government textbook authorization review for the revised elementary and middle schools textbooks—revised in accordance with new instruction guidelines—will be announced in 2010 and 2011, respectively. To prepare for possible eventualities, the Foundation organized a task force and thoroughly analyzed the middle history textbook by the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform. The research findings were published under the following titles: Analysis of Government-Authorized Textbooks of Modern Japan, Sourcebook on the Analysis of the New Revised Textbook, Analysis of History Textbooks Issued by Japan's Governor-General Office of Joseon, and Education Sourcebook: Historical Distortions in Japanese Textbooks.
In 2010, the Foundation will carry out even more thorough analyses of Japanese history textbooks. The Foundation aims to devise systematic refutations of Japan's historical distortions by developing a protocol for demanding the rectification of historical distortions, studying Japan's textbook publication laws, and further analyzing textbooks issued by Japan's Governor-General Office of Joseon.
History textbooks represent the integration of China's historical understanding and educational curriculum. Thus, properly responding to them is the key to dealing with historical distortions in Chinese textbooks. We need to pay attention to whether the findings of the Northeast Project are reflected and propagated through history textbooks. We also need to focus on how China's depiction of history may influence historical research and education around the world.
To this end, in 2009, the Foundation collected around 55 Chinese middle school and high school textbooks, including those on Chinese history and world history. The Foundation held a conference in which experts reviewed and analyzed Korea-related coverage in Chinese history textbooks. The Foundation also identified the general direction of the revision of China's standard history curriculum and history textbooks. Moreover, the Foundation consistently monitored the historical depiction of Korea and its distortions on the internet.
In 2010, the Foundation's Division of Policy and Planning created a team devoted to the collection, translation, and analysis of materials related to Chinese textbooks (including at the college level) and Chinese history education in order to enhance the Foundation's ability to respond to Korea-related historical distortions.
Promoting Peace in East Asia and the East Asian Community
In 2009, the Foundation selected and provided support to six research projects on the themes of Korea, China, and Japan's perception of East Asia and the policies and promotion of an East Asian Community. The Foundation also supported academic conferences, including "Century's Light: Ahn Jung-geun's Treatise on Peace in East Asia and the Future of Peace in Northeast Asia and the Northeast Asian Community," and "East Asian Order for Mutual Growth and Shared Prosperity: Toward a Common Vision."
In 2010, the Foundation will continue support for relevant research projects. The research subjects selected for 2010 include "East Asian Community and the European Experience: Case Studies of Lesser Powers" and "The Shift in Global Leadership and the Future of East Asia." Furthermore, research will be undertaken on the history of North Korea-China border regions, China-Russia border regions, and Xinjiang and Tibet with the goal of overcoming historical conflicts and building a system for peace in East Asia.
Education and PR for the Promotion of Accurate Historical Understanding
In 2009, the Foundation made use of diverse PR media in order to enhance the quality of education in Northeast Asian history, deepen teenagers' and the general public understands of history, and promotes awareness regarding an East Asian Community. The efforts contributed to fostering an accurate understanding of historical issues and helped the Foundation gain greater public recognition.
In order to strengthen history education and promote an accurate understanding of history, the Foundation organized a history academy for working professionals, training programs for history educators, and expert workshops. Given the growing importance of online PR work, the Foundation constantly updated our website and translated its contents into multiple languages. The Foundation focused specifically on creating online content from our research and project findings. For example, the Foundation restored Gangseo Daemyo [Gangseo Great Tomb] in 3D graphics and designed a map of the Japanese military's "comfort stations" throughout East Asia. Such digital content can be accessed by the public from our website.
In 2010, the Foundation will concentrate on strengthening our expertise in history education and expanding our history education network. To this end, the Foundation will organize a semi-annual history teacher exchange program, arrange a training program for East Asia's mid-level educators, and hold a symposium for history education experts. Like in 2009, the Foundation will sponsor the production of a KBS history documentary special and strengthen our media education and PR activities. The 4-part documentary planned for 2010 is "The Centennial of Japan's Forced Annexation of Korea: The Three Questions the Annexation Poses to the Present Era" (tentative title). Additionally, the Foundation plans to launch a YouTube Channel and produce video PR content for YouTube. Furthermore, we will refurbish our website, provide the Foundation's research and project findings through a web service, develop educational materials on history and culture, and actively pursue overseas exhibitions of historical and cultural contents.
Construction and Systematization of International Networks
The Foundation will endeavor to foster a favorable opinion in the global NGO community for the resolution of historical conflicts in Northeast Asia. We will also expand the basis for a shared accurate historical understanding through exchanges and collaboration with domestic and overseas NGOs. To this end, the Foundation will invigorate the International NGO History Forum. Starting this year, the annual International NGO History Forum will be held every other year in order to raise the effectiveness of the international NGO collaboration network. For forward-looking Korea-Japan relations, the Foundation will support a Korea-Japan NGO history event. Furthermore, the Foundation will develop an even more substantive and systematic agenda of response measures to historical issues.
Projects Related to the Centennial of Japan's Forced Annexation of Korea
The Foundation plans to pursue youth exchange programs and gather basic materials on the discussion of a future-oriented East Asian order that will ease historical conflicts between Korea and Japan.
Key projects planned to this end include international academic conferences, symposiums, and roundtable talks with influential figures. The Foundation will also pursue a shared history experience program for Korean and Japanese college students and carry out a research project reexamining the process of Korea's annexation by Japan in order to lay the foundation for future-oriented Korea-Japan relations. In addition, the Foundation will publish a collection of treaties related to the forced annexation of Korea. Given that 2010 is the centennial of the Japan's annexation of Korea, there is heightened public interest in the matter. Thus, the Foundation will lead in-depth discussions on the historical implications and issues surrounding the annexation of Korea.