At the Crossroads between the Path toward Isolation and the Path toward Reconciliation
  • Tazuke Kazuhisa Korean YMCA in Japan

Recently, a group called the "Citizens' Coalition Against Special Privileges for Foreign Residents in Japan" [在特會; "Coalition" hereafter] has come under the spotlight. The Coalition incites ethnic discrimination and xenophobia, and the members call themselves "practicing conservatives." They insist that the demands for the right to life and suffrage by Korean and other foreign residents in Japan are demands for special privileges and organize protests against individuals, organizations, assemblies, and educational facilities that are making such demands.

The Korean YMCA in Japan was the target of their "protest activities" on a few occasions. For instance, when the Korean YMCA provided the venue for a roundtable on suffrage for foreign residents in Japan, the Coalition gathered in front of the YMCA building and "protested."

There were several dozen protesters, and they did not shy away from remarks such as, "Koreans go home", and "Koreans are maggots and cockroaches". The remarks themselves are not worthy of discussion, but it is scary that such remarks can be heard in the middle of Tokyo.

In the past, it was professional right-wing protesters clad in military uniforms that took part in street demonstrations led by nationalistic organizations. What is noteworthy about the Coalition is that many of the participants are regular citizens in everyday civilian attire that had been informed about the demonstrations via the internet. Some even bring their children along. Perhaps those who had confined themselves to online activities are showing up at the Coalition's street demonstrations.

Needless to say, not all Japanese are xenophobes that engage in ethnic discrimination. On the whole, Japanese perception of Korea has improved dramatically over the past ten years. The 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup may have played a role, but it is the Korean Wave that has been the decisive factor.

The Scene inside Japan on the Centennial of Japan's Annexation of Korea

Starting with the Winter Sonata, Korean TV drama series—from Jewel in the Palace and The Legend (also known as The Story of the First King's Four Gods) to Boys over Flowers—aired on NHK and other terrestrial channels garnered a huge following. This would have been unimaginable ten years ago. The Korean language classes at the YMCA have seen a twofold increase in the enrollment rate compared to 10 years ago and almost a threefold increase compared to 30 years ago. In the weekday classes, in particular, there are many homemakers, and many of them have begun studying Korean after watching a Korean drama series or after visiting Korea. Interest in Korea is growing not only among housewives but also among the youth. Dong Bang Shin Gi (known as Tohoshinki in Japan), Big Bang, and other boy bands, who are now regulars on Japan's pop music charts, and no matter how big the venue, their concerts usually sell out.

Japan's interest in Korea is not limited to pop culture. There are now greater opportunities for the Japanese to befriend Koreans. The YMCA has volunteers that teach Japanese to Korean students who come to study in Japan. Many Japanese citizens, including college students, are registered volunteers. Some of these volunteers become friends with the Korean students. During vacations, some of the volunteers visit their new friends in Korea where their love for the county often becomes even greater.

While South Korea's image in Japan has improved significantly, North Korea's image deteriorated dramatically after official announcement of the abduction of Japanese citizens in 2002. Most Japanese regard North Korea as the absolute evil. Attempts to promote dialogue and exchanges with North Koreans in order to ameliorate Japan-North Korean relations are met with a storm of criticism and much jeering. While the stance taken by the North Korean leadership is certainly problematic, the utter rejection of anything but hostility toward North Korea by the Japanese public and press is also unusual.

This current trend in Japan is reminiscent of our totalitarian past. The Korean Wave seemed to have done away with Japan's condescending attitude toward Koreans. Nevertheless, in the way that the Japanese talk about North Koreans, this deep-rooted attitude appears to persist.

The ethnic discrimination of xenophobic exclusionists is growing more intense. With heightened interest in South Korea with the Korean Wave, many Japanese are making Korean friends. Voices calling for dialogue and exchanges with North Korea are being silenced. This is where Japan is at on the centennial of Japan's annexation of Korea.

Efforts to Avoid More Regrets in a Century's Time

Along with the spread of globalization, ethnic discrimination and exclusionism are intensifying throughout the world. (Perhaps the situation is no different in Korea?). People reject outright the meeting of people of diverse backgrounds in order to pursue reconciliation and mutual gains.

Will we react emotionally and go down the path of isolation and hostility? Or will we engage in level-headed dialogue and go down the path of reconciliation and mutual gains? Right now, we find ourselves at the crossroads between these two paths.

As someone working for the YMCA, I have endeavored to provide a place for Korean and Japanese youth to talk openly and become friends, consideri such an effort to be the first step toward the path of reconciliation and mutual gains. I plan to continue and further enhance this effort while also expanding the collaboration and solidarity with other likeminded people in Japan and overseas pursuing the same goal.

I hope that 100 years from now, on the bicentennial of Japan's annexation of Korea, people will look back at our decision without regret. I also dream that in 2110, the people living in Japan and those living in Korea are all living in peace and prosperity, assiduously attending the issues of that era.