The purpose of this research is to analyze the key issues surrounding Dokdo and Ulleungdo from perspectives different from those of existing research in order to clearly assess the mainstream arguments while also open up new discussions. The work takes a historical/archeological/geographical approach to five themes: An Yong-bok's capture; perceptions of Usando; nature of the Dajokan order; society of ancient Ulleungdo; Dokdo's functional & spatial value and ownership over Dokdo. The work will serve to expand the horizon on the understanding of Dokdo & Ulleungdo as it spans a wide chronological spectrum—from the ancient period to the present—and tackles major issues concerning the islands from diverse viewpoints.
The first essay "Diplomatic Negotiations between Korea and Japan in the Late 17th Century: Centering on the An Yong-bok Incident" (Hong Seong-deok, Jeonju University), marks a departure from existing research on the topic in that it examines the An Yong-bok incident in terms of the history of Korea-Japan relations in the late Joseon period—specifically, the workings of diplomatic systems. The paper's central argument is that Japan's diplomatic decision on An Yong-bok in the 1690s was founded on Japan's internal structural contradiction. That is, the decision of the bakufu (shogunate) on An Yong-bok's repatriation was a complex diplomatic matter that went beyond the issue of Dokdo's sovereignty. The matter involved the Oya and Murakama families, which held the fishing rights in the waters near Dokdo, and their relationship with the bakufu as well with Tottori Prefecture, which had to present local specialties to the bakufu. Adding to this complex interplay was role of the lord of Tsushima, who was in charge of Japan's diplomatic relations with Joseon.
Diverse perspectives on Dokdo & Ulleungdo from ancient times to the present
The second essay, "Analysis of Gojong and Lee Gyu-won's Understandings of Usando" (Hosaka Yuji, Sejong University), criticizes Japan's insistence that Usando and Ulleungdo are one and the same. The paper reviews records of Usando in Joseon Wangjo Sillok [Annals of the Joseon Dynasty] and undertakes a thorough review of Gojong and Lee Gyu-won's understandings of Usando. In so doing, the paper sheds light on how the "Usando-Ulleugdo" theory came about and examines the causes behind the island's name changes—from Usando to Seokdo to Dokdo.
It is argued in this essay that while Gojong knew very well how Usando came to be called Dokdo, Lee Gyu-won did not. Gojong was aware that Ulleungdo had been listed as Usando in early Joseon texts, which is why he accepted Lee Gyu-won's claim that Usando was Ulleungdo and formulated a new parameter for Ulleungdo. This gave rise to the view that "Ulleungdo" refers to the Ulleungdo archipelago comprised of the central island of Ulleungdo along with Jukdo and Songdo. Thus, it is recorded in Imperial Edict No. 41 issued in 1900 that Uldo-gun has jurisdiction over all of Ulleungdo as well as Jukdo and Seokdo. The paper points out that Songdo came to be called Seokdo because there was confusion concerning the name for Songdo (Dokdo) as Japan used Matsushima (Songdo) to refer to the single island of Ulleungdo.
The third essay "The Historical Characteristics of Dajokan Documents in the Early Meiji Period" (Park Sam-heon, Konkuk University) examines the mechanisms of documentary administration in order to assess the historical weight of the Tajokan order stipulating that Dokdo has nothing to do with Japanese territory. The paper rests on the premise that the Dajokan's documentary administration was a stage in the process leading to modern bureaucracy (which specializes in processing documents). It analyzes how Dajokan orders were processed during the given time period. It is pointed out that while Dajokan orders only pertained to domestic affairs and did not extend to diplomatic agreements with Joseon, they are noteworthy because they were reviewed and approved by the highest-ranking government ministers that oversaw diplomatic matters concerning territorial expansion and related fiscal and legal issues. During the Meiji Period, the Daijokan system's legitimacy derived from direct imperial rule over the system. The ministers were appointed directly by the emperor, entrusted with the authority to make diverse political decisions and implement them on the emperor's behalf. It is, therefore, pointed out that the Dajokan order processed in 1877 should be regarded as reflecting the will of Emperor Meiji.
For an outlook that encompasses both the forest as well as the trees
The fourth essay "Several Issues Concerning the Society and Groups of Ancient Ulleungdo" (Oh Kang-won, Academy of Korean Studies) is an archeological study that analyzes ancient artifacts excavated in Ulleungdo to shed light on the characteristics of the ancient society of Ulleungdo. Among Ulleungdo earthenware are pieces made of soft clay, which unlike hard earthenware pieces brought in from the mainland, are thought to have been produced by the people of Ulleungdo around the mid-6th century. The "Ulleungdo-style" tombs and artifacts from these tombs show that they belonged to members of the upper class, which demonstrate the complex social hierarchy of ancient Ulleungdo.
The fifth essay "Dokdo's Functional & Spatial Value and Ownership: A Geopolitical Perspective" (Im Deok-sun, Chungbuk National University) examines the possible roles Dokdo can undertake from a geopolitical perspective and sheds light on Dokdo's spatial value. In so doing, the work reveals that Dokdo belongs to Korea.
The paper points out that it is not appropriate to talk about Dokdo's function in connection with the East Sea. It is shown that from such a perspective, Dokdo has actual or potential strategic, political, transportation, symbolic, and productive roles and can assist in the delineation of maritime boundaries. Through an analysis of Dodko's spatial value in regard to each of these functions, the study asserts that Dokdo belongs to Korea in terms of its distance to a populated island, Dokdo's territorial waters and status as a territorial island from a historical perspective, records of Dokdo in official documents of Japan and Korea, and the representation of Dokdo in ancient Japanese maps.
The study of Dokdo & Ulleungdo must be approached from diverse viewpoints. In focusing only on the issues of contention, we may make the mistake of losing sight of the forest and concentrating only on the trees. In order to undertake a study that can shed light on the historical verity of Dokdo & Ulleungdo without hampering the flow of discussions on the issues of contention, we must adopt an open outlook that can approach the matter macroscopically at times and microscopically at others. This project was undertaken to implement such an approach.