The Northeast Asian History Foundation and the Korea Youth Work Agency held the "2nd Korea-Japan Youth Peace Forum" in Japan and Korea in July and August, respectively. The participating youth issued the "Joint Declaration by Korean and Japanese Youth" at 11 a.m., Friday, August 20 at the Seoul Youth Media Center. The declaration outlines measures for the resolution of historical conflict and the strengthening of Korea-Japan relations. The essay below is by Teguchi Sunako [出口綱子] of the Department of International Relations at Ritsumeikan University who took part in the event._Editor
In order to take part in a forum with Korean students, we had to do a lot research and studying beforehand. Many Japanese students, including myself, did not know much about the background behind Japan's annexation of Korea or about Japan's colonial rule.
Our Korean counterparts had studied the subject in detail throughout their educational careers, but the same was not true for us. This was one indication that there would be differences in the historical perceptions of Korean students and Japanese students.
At the forum in Japan, we gave presentations on case studies of history education in the two countries under the theme "Comparing History Education in Korea and Japan." We found out that Japanese history textbooks provided very scant coverage on the process of colonization, the annexation of Korea, and the "comfort women." Also, interviews of fellow Japanese students revealed that over 70% felt there was a need to learn more about Korean and Japanese histories.
Unwarranted concern that Korea student would be emotional concerning historical issues
In the course of our research, we learned that the Korea-Japan joint history textbook History to Open the Future was being used as a supplementary history textbook. Given the fair and objective coverage of the book and the inclusion of subject matters absent in Japanese textbooks—e.g., "comfort women," Japanese aggression against Korea, etc., we concluded the book would hold great meaning for our future.
The forum was held in July at the Peace Museum of Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto. I had been looking forward to it, but the closer it got to the actual day of the forum, I grew nervous. It was because I had the preconceived notion that Korean students were sensitive about historical issues between Korea and Japan and that they would turn emotional when discussing the issues. I worried that some of the Korean student would break out in tears or get angry at us during the debates.
However, almost as soon as the forum started, I realized how unfounded my concerns had been. Throughout the presentations and the debates, the Korean students were calm and collected. They listened attentively to what the Japanese students had to say and took everything we said into consideration before presenting their opinions. The Korean students were very outspoken and passionate about what they had to say, and this was something I found admirable. My worries were washed away, and I looked forward to seeing them again in Seoul in August.
So in August, we went to Korea with great anticipation to take part in the second leg of the forum. Before the forum, we visited the Seodaemun Prison History Hall and witnessed firsthand what we had learned from the presentations in July. A historical reality was before our very eyes. It pained us to hear about what Japan had done to Koreans during the colonial period. Some even shed tears.
This experience made us even more enthusiastic and engaged at the forum in Seoul than we had been at the forum in Kyoto. Moreover, by experiencing Korean culture with our Korean counterparts and asking them about their cultural experiences in Japan, we grew closer and came to better understand one another.
Sharing food and engaging in dialogue
The two-part forum held in Japan and Korea revealed that there are still differences in opinion on historical understanding, accountability, and apology between Korea and Japan. However, the forum also led to a shared understanding that the young people of the two countries must engage in exchanges and cooperation to overcome these differences and work together toward a peaceful future. This is what was truly meaningful about the forum.
We did not just stop at presentations and debates; we organized our thoughts and findings from the forum into the "Joint Declaration by Korean and Japanese Youth for the Peaceful Future of Korea and Japan." During the course of drafting the declaration, we were once again made aware of the divergence in our historical perceptions. Nevertheless, we eventually came to a consensus by working together to organize our thoughts and narrow the differences.
I am certain that in order to further enhance Korea-Japan relations, it would be very helpful to organize more events like the forum in which we took part. I will always cherish the ideas we exchanged with our Korean counterparts, sometimes in Korean, sometimes in English. I will always remember the excitement of enjoying Korea and Japanese food with them. And I will not forget the sense of camaraderie transcending nationality and borders we shared as members of the same generation.
I offer my heartfelt thanks to the Northeast Asian History Foundation and the Korea Youth Network Agency for the invaluable experience.